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Posted (edited)
Explain why not, for me its t1: big bursts, cc chain, defensives, they got everything that can make them t1 also all the ferals got their r1 by queing jungle.


That is not how you calculate a tier comp, because as Likeablejaw, then you can say that many comps are t1, right? PHS is not a t1 comp, but you have so many defensive and offensive cds, off healing, burst, and cc.


This can be countered. ill just explain quickly from an RMD pov, because im most familiar with it and the comp i play the most


an rmd will just shut down the whole team. easiest way to beat phs is to deep sheep healer and just open on pally, you force sac, you can instantly step to hunter and kill him. hunter with no sac is literally NOTHING, even through sac, you can still die, all situational obviously. (https://youtu.be/mK2qtDGBVJM?t=237). you eat through every cd every go, or should. scripted game is scripted.


[spoiler=why rmd is t1]Why is rmd so broken? it's mostly mage druid being retarded in mop, but mage rogue has ALWAYS been a thing, been a comp since tbc, probably one of the oldest comps in the game.


dance and orb are both on 1 min cd, perfect for a go

kidney deep. kidney 20, deep 30, its always a deep sheep kidney kill target and clone on 3rd target

30% dmg boost for my mage (tricks 15%, pray on the weak 10%, master poisoner 5%)




peels/cc. cheap/kidney/garrote/counterspell/disarm/blind/gouge/cylone/poly/rof/nova/pet nova/ice ward/roar/bear silence... list goes on



defensives cds

offensive cds


you just rotate poly and clone, pretty much like in here https://clips.twitch.tv/VenomousPuzzledMageSoonerLater


you just have so much shit



T1 = have little to no soft or hard counters outside of other Tier 1 comps . You can pretty much beat any comp with a t1 setup, but having Jungle has a lot of shit, many defensives, offensive cds, you have both sustain and burst (bleeds/incarn from feral or AS into Chimera Shot or just survival dots from hunter), but YET, it is so easy to shut down. RMD just killing through barkskin or killing through sac. Shaman isn't even in the game in that matchup lol.


now, i'm not saying that a t2 or t3 can not get high rating or r1, but you will struggle a lot more than a t1 comp


Of course, we can always argue what is the meta on pandawow or what is t1, because this is not s15 and will never be. The meta is not even remotely close.

People will always find an excuse to say their class/comp is not broken, but that is to be expected from biased players without a clue.


WMP was not the meta, YET it is strong here? Because of priest procs atm (soon fixed, dw). but soon as a real team queues, you won't really see much of WMP, more LSD/thunder/RMX/WMD/WMX

Gonna sound biased AF, but in my honest opinion, I think RMD is something inbetween t1 and t2. Still retardedly strong, but other comps just puts it down due to bugs

LSD is still top notch (well, maybe not atm because of ele mastery is bugged AF), but it will soon be again

WLS (don't question me, shut up)

demo/dk (don't need to explain why HOW PEOPLE DIE LEFT AND RIGHT THROUGH CDS)


Hope this helped at least a little bit.





Edited by Repitchx
Posted (edited)

lol, ur signature



WLS (don't question me' date=' shut up)[/quote']

rmx struggle the most from wls, just saying


last time i played for a few days, idk, about a month or 2 ago, mages were in 4 out of 5 teams, or even more (and im not counting repitchx's RMx repeating encounter). At that time, this was the cancer of arena

Edited by faina
Posted (edited)
lol, ur signature




rmx struggle the most from wls, just saying


last time i played for a few days, idk, about a month or 2 ago, mages were in 4 out of 5 teams, or even more (and im not counting repitchx's RMx repeating encounter). At that time, this was the cancer of arena



lock/shaman (ps: kys if u play lock shaman)


and i havent queued in forever as im having 4-5 people ddosing me. i cant change ip atm either, so ye rip + didn't even want to queue with the current state of some classes, but soon as shit is fixed and i have a new ip, i will que again.

Edited by Repitchx
K i got the point now, and i pretty much agree with everything u said except one, When Weafy Secha and Majex started queing lsd and well they got rly high with it 2.5k i think, people didn't stop queing wms, wmp and other comps, what i mean by that is those wmx players found out how to beat that lsd (killing lock pet which shouldn't be that easy) so after losing 10 or more games as lsd they stopped queing it and instead they qued thunder or wls or even wwls to somehow beat wmx, that's why wmp is meta now (Flash heal procs also) people rly dont know how to beat it and whenever they find out comp that beats wmx everyone will start queing that.
Posted (edited)
K i got the point now, and i pretty much agree with everything u said except one, When Weafy Secha and Majex started queing lsd and well they got rly high with it 2.5k i think, people didn't stop queing wms, wmp and other comps, what i mean by that is those wmx players found out how to beat that lsd (killing lock pet which shouldn't be that easy) so after losing 10 or more games as lsd they stopped queing it and instead they qued thunder or wls or even wwls to somehow beat wmx, that's why wmp is meta now (Flash heal procs also) people rly dont know how to beat it and whenever they find out comp that beats wmx everyone will start queing that.


People just try to avoid the whole LSD thing as it's f***ing boring to face. LSD was the meta s15, but why do you want to purposely want to fight LSD when you know that is the only thing you will fight? Everyone on retail had the same reaction as on pandawow "OMG NO, NOT LSD. NOT LSD AGAIN, PLEASE NO..."


It is just boring and literally the easiest comp to play on earth (along with lsd2). WMS shouldn't even win it, that's the funny part. If WMS was so good, why did almost no one play it on retail? BECAUSE WMD was better.


I mean, 2.5 as LSD by spam queueing literally 24/7 with bugged shards is quite impressive. They should be in guinness world record for playing that retarded shit with bugs and lose to FMP and RMP in 1 min with Ice Lance nerfed + spam queue into 1.2k dumbasses all day long (except Weafy, he's my boy)


Oh yeah, that's another thing. It is weird how druid is actually not that good against spread pressure on pandawow, but that's another topic.


WM was nerfed back when they spam queued LSD, and they still lost. Now they don't stand a chance, I mean, I don't blame them, who does, warriors right now are beyond retarded. It's just warrior damage carrying the f**k out of the game. When I say this, and I mean LITERALLY, all you do is legit just get a sheep on the healer and pve the shaman down atm.


they qued thunder or wls


Because one FOTM comp wasn't enough, so they brought WLS.

Edited by Repitchx
TAlking of warriors, Thosin said that it was bcuz armore doesn't reduce any dmg from war (or reduces less dmg than it should) and i think that kinda makes sense. what do u think about it?
TAlking of warriors, Thosin said that it was bcuz armore doesn't reduce any dmg from war (or reduces less dmg than it should) and i think that kinda makes sense. what do u think about it?


Sounds like bullshit, because then Colossus smash would be useless and you would see warriors do WAY more than it is now.

Idk what makes war hit so hard this season, qued war/druid on my full grievous war with prideful trinkets and weapon, hitting 110k IN BEAR FORM, even missing 1 proc with reck banner and everything.

Maybe colossus smash is reducing armour by 100% instead of 50%. That would explain why the seasoned soldier nerf seemed right, despite it reducing all dmg flat. The colossus only reduces it during colossus.


Ie, you have 50% dmg reduction, colossus reduces that by 50% so you have 25%. Seasoned soldier was a 25% nerf, get it?


But you'd think this would be the same as rogue and expose weakness?


If someone wants to test, take fat hp trinkets I guess lol probably wrong tho


its kinda funny because lock/shaman and druid/mage make eachother suicidal because warlocks can just get a drink downstairs with the endless CC supplied by quite a few X-mage-druid comps "ye but u have grounding pet cs shear etc" you'll still be cc'd because if as a lock u start cs'ing random sheeps on yourself u are fucked most of the time when there is actually a deep or a setup going on, which the mage can just do most of the time because it really doesn't matter when the mage gets feared unless its during burst, and mage druid hates warlock/shaman because of the amount of damage and potential defensives it has.


so when you think about it, whether its justified or not, its just a circlejerk of talking shit because both setups hate eachothers playstyle.'


as a warlock I just enjoy seeing my enemies rot down, and mages love their opponents being unable to move


I guess it might be a huge annoyance for me in particular because tbh I have a really aggressive playstyle as warlock so ye w/e

Rsham second strongest version of it

With hpal it was the strongest during wotlk, during mop it was with hpriest and mw was the second strongest. With rsham only thing you've got is sustain, you loose a ton of cc, so it's only good vs rot comps, and not good for ladder queues at all. They just farmed all those teams in tournaments cuz the ppl playing it were fucking good. It's not a tier 1 comp tho.

its just a circlejerk of talking shit because both setups hate eachothers playstyle.'


that's true, but i don't see lock shaman doing that much to win though vs most shit.

during mop it was with hpriest and mw was the second strongest. With rsham only thing you've got is sustain, you loose a ton of cc, so it's only good vs rot comps, and not good for ladder queues at all. They just farmed all those teams in tournaments cuz the ppl playing it were fucking good. It's not a tier 1 comp tho.


Can you just stfu? You don't know wtf you are talking about, and I do. Did I say it was tier 1? No.


I siad Mw Hunter DK was best, then Rsham Hunter Dk was second - not priest. If you are saying that Rsham Hunter Dk is worse than Hpri Hunter Dk, considering the Rsham comp beat the Blizzcon Winners playing their main tier 1 comp, then Hpri Hunter Dk must be fucking OP. Owait - it's not. I don't even know why I commented on here, it's just full of retards arguing about pointless shit like they're trying to prove they know anything.

Posted (edited)

there was only 1 good phd in eu playing regularly, but i think at max they got 2.8, and later switched to other comps and got glad

priest there was mielpops, i remember this


i agree with baps, but mostly (on average) teams with mw were higher b/c of cheaters mw

Edited by faina

Mw was the best bcuz they could keep you aggresive anytime u wanted, + u cannot go mw cuz it just wont die (maybe in wls or wwls situation but no other), with shamans it was second best cuz u could beat dampener comps which is really big, all u had to do is to cc boomkin/ele and go druid/shaman. and talking of phdk, there was r1 phdk on NA feat. Jeff (the best dk in the world in my opinion) they just coudn't find a mw to play with and they just played with a priest which sounded like a good choice but after queing vs multiple x/mage/druid comps and losing they just abandoned that comp.


- - - Добавлено - - -


Can you just stfu? You don't know wtf you are talking about, and I do. Did I say it was tier 1? No.


I siad Mw Hunter DK was best, then Rsham Hunter Dk was second - not priest. If you are saying that Rsham Hunter Dk is worse than Hpri Hunter Dk, considering the Rsham comp beat the Blizzcon Winners playing their main tier 1 comp, then Hpri Hunter Dk must be fucking OP. Owait - it's not. I don't even know why I commented on here, it's just full of retards arguing about pointless shit like they're trying to prove they know anything.


Chilax bruh

  • Like 1
Can you just stfu? You don't know wtf you are talking about, and I do. Did I say it was tier 1? No.


I siad Mw Hunter DK was best, then Rsham Hunter Dk was second - not priest. If you are saying that Rsham Hunter Dk is worse than Hpri Hunter Dk, considering the Rsham comp beat the Blizzcon Winners playing their main tier 1 comp, then Hpri Hunter Dk must be fucking OP. Owait - it's not. I don't even know why I commented on here, it's just full of retards arguing about pointless shit like they're trying to prove they know anything.


Did you even read? I said rsham hunter dk is good for rot comps, not for fucking ladder. As the high rated player you are, you should probably know playing a comp in a tournament and playing it to climb ladder is totally different, an excellent example is method's WMD farming the shit outta everyone in last NA cup, but they don't play it on ladder cuz it won't work as good. Same happens with rsham dk hunter, it might have been good for that tournament, maybe the best, but its not as good as mw hunter dk or priest hunter dk in ladder queues. Now, lets rewind a bit, i said the rsham variation is good for rot comps, am i right? Now, what did you say they farmed? LSD? Did i read right? Isn't that a fucking rot comp? Yes it fucking is, therefore it fucking proves my point, hpriest or mw variations would get rekt by LSD, but rsham variation doesn't cuz its a fucking LSD and rsham is the best healer for those. Now try to play it vs other shit and it won't be as good as the other 2. Now, about the tier 1 thing, i wasn't even talking to you ffs, i was talking to bach, cuz he put that comp as a tier 1 and it's not even near t1, there was 1 r1 team as that comp only, 2 if you count when sharpstorm played it for a while. My point was proven, with rsham ISN'T better in ladder queues, IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN better for that specific tournament and for that match up because it was LSD, i've never even seen a single team queing rsham variation in ladder, but i have seen mw and hpriest all the fucking time, now pce.

anal cleave = 2 destro warlocks + 1 unh dk




best comp yolo, the others are for pussys :crazy:

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