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Reptichx with 80 years old


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you did not "Reck" no one


exactly, i didn't, you did rekt yourself :crazy:


yep, clearly she wrote before noneed








who is the retarded now :confused: :confused: :o




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he just likes to annoy and I'm starting to comprehend why he does that because of people like you

See ... and that's why i think most of you are retarded.


If you think this is an adult behavior or justified for anything, you are just another pujo. Stop acting smart because you are not.


Go and do some roleplay in elwyn ... jesus fucking christ


I have to agree with noneed here. Not only spanish players but most of the latin american countries players are awfully bad' date=' don't ask me why because I don't know but the percentage of good players that are native spanish speakers that are good is so low. Not being racist or anything, i'm latino myself...[/quote']

Heard it from your own compatriot


How sad is that ? Let me tell you thats because of people like you (jiri) and pujo.

Edited by Noneedholy
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adult behavior


yep, you are a really good example of adult behavior :crazy:


- - - Добавлено - - -


because of people like you (jiri) and pujo.


i can say the same about 15 year old kids like you :crazy:


where are you from? so i can generalize to all your nationality

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If you don't know me don't judge me because those who know me know exactly I'm not retarded. And ye I'm actually smart :D


I think the retarded people here are the one's who judge Pujo and me without knowing us just saying

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If you don't know me don't judge me because those who know me know exactly I'm not retarded. And ye I'm actually smart :D


I think the retarded people here are the one's who judge Pujo and me without knowing us just saying


That's the beauty of the internet, you saying this will just make us think you're even more retarded, it's a counter-effect. But nice try though. dumbo

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If you don't know me don't judge me because those who know me know exactly I'm not retarded. And ye I'm actually smart :D


I think the retarded people here are the one's who judge Pujo and me without knowing us just saying


Ah ... so you coming in, saying something utterly stupid & retarded and pujo posting 24/7 retarded nonsense bullshit is not enough to judge you ?


Idk if you EVER heard that in your life but the first impression counts.


And thats why you are tacos and we call you braindead burritos. Sorry but you just provoke it.

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Oh god stop acting so salty xD

Well I'm outta this conv, continue insulting me if you feel better ;)

And ye I met chainz irl and ye we played wow. Anything else? :D

Now bye won't continue with this, continue by your own :)

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