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Combat rogue Guide.


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What's up guys, My name is bach known for playing dk but i love to play other classes too, mostly underrated classes like combat rogue, i rarely see combat rogues in PvP except there are plenty of them in gurubashi, so people are asking alot about combat rogues and it's getting annoying so i guess im gonna make this quick guide.


So we gonna cover up:




4.Gems and reforges(priority)

5.2s and 3s comps

6.Tips and tricks OFC.


1. K so races

For alliance u only take human, Nothing else is viable for combat, but for horde u have 2 options: Orc, BloodElf.

2. For talents: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108208/subterfuge In first tier

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=74001/combat-readiness for second tier

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=79008/elusiveness for third tier

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108212/burst-of-speed fourth tier

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=35201/paralytic-poison U dont take this ever, bcuz combat rogue is all about timing and this thing procs randomly so u will never have perfect go with this so take http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=131511/prey-on-the-weak more dmg while stunned> perfect talent



3. Glyphs: Glyph of Garrote, Glyph of healing (if u are running with a healer), Glyph of Blind, Glyph of Clock of shadows( if u are running with a dps)

4. Gems: Red:160 Agility(red slots). Orange:80 agility and 160 mastery.Purple(yellow slot):80 agility and 80 pvp power (for blue slots)

5. there are multiple comps u can run in 2s:

With a healer: Druid/Combat rogue The best one for me,8 second kidney shot into bash, didn't get a kill? NS clone. wait for cds

Hpriest/combat: Only comp that allows u to go dps aswell, Sap out of fears into mc blind out of mc.

Hpala/combat: comp that allows u to go on both dps and healer, Worst one in my opinion.

With a dps: Combat/mage playstyle is alot different then sub/mage, bcuz u dont get a kill with cc, instead u just blow cd from opponents healer and swap him,

Boomkin/combat: A Really good comp, actually the best for combat rogues who prefers to run double dps

Enhance/combat: Woundman LUL

In 3s Combat rmd and enhance/rogue/druid, maybe also dancing with stars but i dont think it's better than other 2

6. There are some tricks for combat with a druid especially, theres a bug when u get your 8 sec kidney shot BE SURE that u have 5 combo points bcuz, whenever druid clones kill target just spam Eviscerate, everytime u hit with it Killing sprees cd is reduced by 10 seconds, and if u do that every global u get 1:10m reduce till your next burst which is rly big. u can do same with Green yellow and red buffs.


Game plan: whenever gates open just go invis and pick and kill target (mostly healers) open with Garrote and (The thing that makes your kidney shot 8 second idk the name of it in english), get your buffs and procs (Yellow is fine doesn't need to be red) get kidney shot (dont DR the stun) get at least 1-2 strikes before bursting (to maybe get redbuff) and burst (Shadowblades and Killing spree) didn't get a kill? spam eviscerate to reduce cd of killing spree, u just do that everytime until u get a kill. ( u can use adrenaline rush in the opener to get buffs and some dmg going). always have your +40% Attack speed buff, also increases dmg of Killing spree.


Thanks for your attention and pce out.

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