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back again!


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I came back here few weeks ago after leaving the server for almost a year.


The changes are very good so far, many fixes for crucial bugs have been implemented and the game is much more stable right now.


However, there is some delay in queue for bgs/arenas (horde side,) I remember before leaving it was instant queues on most times of the day, that's probably because we lost many players!


But, I see that a lot of players are coming back and that new players (including gladiators from retail) have joined the server, which is good for the community.


Also, MoP PvE content is almost completely fixed and PvP seems fine to me at the moment.


That's in short. ;)

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im guild kicking you, he is not coming to horde x100 u fag pray on my dick


I left already, you're too slow.


Keep acting cocky Cogman, your lose.


I gave you many chances to adjust your behavior and you keep being retarded!


Enjoy. ;)

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I left already, you're too slow.


Keep acting cocky Cogman, your lose.


I gave you many chances to adjust your behavior and you keep being retarded!



LOL? please stfu :D you're a mong anyway go pray to the invisible man I wont change nothing for you.


- - - Updated - - -


I gave you many chances to adjust your behavior and you keep being retarded!

Keep licking my ass when im online though pmsl

your lose.

Go to school? oh fake surgery is to much

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England is country


ty for the info :appl: :appl:









a cunt like you


i really wonder who is more cunt :crab:



I'm back aswell


back and first fail already :good:

Edited by again14
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