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Well played...


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Well played, Zeox, well played indeed...


Love your new NPCs that sell tmog items and legendaries. Amazing. Good job!


Wonder where you got that idea from xDDD

Similar ideas arise and are planned almost from the opening of the server, and are embodied when the time comes

So .. your question is not entirely correct :D

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Similar ideas arise and are planned almost from the opening of the server, and are embodied when the time comes

So .. your question is not entirely correct :D


Yeah sure, he made the same shit i suggested after a week.. Give me a break.. (ik you will quote that and give me like a ban lul)


He stole the idea, nothing more.

Edited by Repitchx
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  • Technical Support
Yeah sure, he made the same shit i suggested after a week.. Give me a break.. (ik you will quote that and give me like a ban lul)


He stole the idea, nothing more.

Your idea is wonderful, you're an intelligent guy (without sarcasm) and an experienced player. I think Zeox appreciate your opinion, suggestions and listens. But, such ideas have already been proposed and your opinion on this matter, I think, too, pocked and pushed to implement.




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HAHAHAHA, when will you stop bragging about this?


It's not like you have came up with something that will change the world; also I have seen this on many other private servers, so stop crying!




Omfg you are so fucking annoying and useless. And your memes are not even funny, thats the worst thing. But gj asslicking the staff you fcking mongo


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You are literally stup*d and I won't continue discussion with you anymore.


"You are stupid"


"I wont continue discussion with you anymore"


Loool, you are one of these special kids, right?


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Here is how I see this thread:


You left Pandawow and went to another server and asked for a MoP server but you got rejected because that server owner is a friend of Zeox.


And now you're sucking so desperately to have sympathy from Zeox to give you back your position in the staff, but guess what? You already have betrayed Zeox, so he want fall for it twice.


You have lost it by your own hands and now you regret it, so take your abusers/cheaters/win-tradering friends with you and leave!!!!



Well... a pve / Gurubashi /rage girl that tries to talk...


Just stop... that shit makes no sense. You make no sense. You are trash, just go.


Eh? No offense but who allowed all these newfags to talk? At least be not a backpaddling 2k trashcan like this webgirl when you call someone wintrader


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Does your pride bother you

Let's talk about pride and btw, who started raging/crying/complaining about BUGABUSE after i farmed him in 1v1 on my Guardian Druid?


Hint: The rogue was named "Behindqq"


Some People here are simply disgusting.


Similar ideas arise and are planned almost from the opening of the server, and are embodied when the time comes

So .. your question is not entirely correct


It's simple. After Zeox realised People are leaving his Server and shit starts to get rough, we got banned and Zeox made alot of changes.. I mean, i don't mind, im happy to see improvement, i just don't think it will be long-lasting. But let's hope

Edited by Noneedholyx
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Any argument for that? I was just wondering how come you left the combat having pet up. I did NOT cry or something. It's just your imagination.


farmed him in 1v1 on my Guardian Druid?


>Tank druid FARMED a melee.

Please. You cannot be that stupid, can you?


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Some People here are simply disgusting.

You must be talking about yourself.

Remember have I ever insulted you or something? Yet you're treating me like pujo. Without any reason for that. Could be the case in you? May be you're the most disgusting person here who just cannot handle some talking to people?


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btw. It was a bug. Cuz melding with following restealth when a pet up isn't legit.

Hint: Mage with pet in combat cannot get stealthed. Same with hunters.

Edited by behindqq
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btw. It was a bug. Cuz melding with following restealth when a pet up isn't legit.

Hint: Mage with pet in combat cannot get stealthed. Same with hunters.


You're wrong here. Force of Nature treants, aren't treated as PETS, since you have no control over them, they're treated as companions/minions.


Plus, the fact that a mage gets out of Invisibility when his pet gets into combat, here is a bug. It shouldn't get the mage out of the Invisibility.


I have seen Jahmilli vs Sodapoppin, Soda typhoons Jahmilli's pet, and Jahmilli is still in stealth, moving his pet the opposite direction of him only to not give away his stealthed position.


You really have no clue how classes work, you're a fucking warrior so keep your opinion about other classes for your stupid ignorant asshole.





here is the proof





Not typhooning his pet, but when he has his pet attacking Soda, and all of his mirror images aswell, he invis himself stays in invis for some seconds when his pet keeps attacking, and EATS.

Edited by Felxprod
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  • Game Masters

I am not sure how Zeox "stole" your suggestion since you already posted this suggestion twice in forums and of course you're not the only one who suggest it. Zeox even replied to you and he said that maybe he will do it later.




Make some new NPCs that full geared players can spend their conquest on? Having 100-200k+ conquest is useless. Maybe some vendors that sell transmog items?


3. Idk , maybe later. Don't have time for it at the moment.


Also, I am pretty sure that even if Zeox wanted to "steal" your suggestion he wouldn't do it in 2 days because he saw you suggesting this to Shocker at 4/7/2017 and vendors were already live at 6/7/2017 so the NPC's were already finished before you even make this suggestion to Shocker.



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This vendors were made for wodempire a lot of time ago, I just have found a time to port them to PandaWoW, remove not needed items and fix some prices. But ok, let him think that it was done because he offered.. :rolleyes:
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