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Tutorial on how to change password


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The new website lacks a "change password" feature or atleast I have yet to find it much like some others.


So here's how to change your password:


1) Go to the website - http://pandawow.ru/en


2) Log in with your account


3) Hit the option that says "Manage account" - http://prntscr.com/fv8r9h


4) Hit the option saying "Edit" under your Email Adress - http://prntscr.com/fv8s9x


5) In the page you're redirected to the link is http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/user/email.html - http://prntscr.com/fv8so5


6) Remove where it says "email" and type "password" - http://prntscr.com/fv8sy2


7) Click Enter and change your password



Either implement the change password option or pin this for easier acess

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