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Posted (edited)

TL;DR: Will there be titles, even though r1 is under 2k and 85th is under 1500? + major bugs this season


Today I want to ask you Zeox something about the arena rewards. Regarding the titles.


So I know we're only half way into the season, but still, I just have a question if the 85th place is not above 2k, will you still give rewards? Honestly, it's not about rating anymore, it's more about nolifing or play shit ton of games vs random teams.




85th place right now.




that is rank 25, aka last person to get rank 1.


I know the ranks will change, but let's be realistic, rank 85 won't go from 1500 to 2000 that fast, when we're already half way in.




- http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=219291


I also want to note the season has been nothing but new major bugs that only appeared when the season started (grounding totem, ice lance nerf, shroom bugged and ele mastery did like 15-20% of the dmg only etc)


I understand the frustration from all the players that pushed early this season.


THIS IS JUST A QUESTION, NOTHING MORE. This is not a dick, it's a question, don't take it so hard.

Edited by Repitchx
  • Administrators
  \ said:
Will there be titles' date=' even though r1 is under 2k and 85th is under 1500?[/quote']


We will give titles only if:

the player that ranked 36th place should not have less rating than 2400 in 2v2 and 85th place should not have less than 2000 in 3v3, otherwise rewards will not be issued.


Also now I see that we must change season conditions, but I will think about it later, in the end of the next month, when current season will end.

  Zeox said:
We will give titles only if:



Also now I see that we must change season conditions, but I will think about it later, in the end of the next month, when current season will end.


Problem is hoenstly not the conditions, it's the fact that barely nothing motivates people to queue. Not sure if I need to explain why, because not sure if you will care about what I will say.

  • Administrators
  Repitchx said:
Problem is hoenstly not the conditions, it's the fact that barely nothing motivates people to queue. Not sure if I need to explain why, because not sure if you will care about what I will say.


I'm don't care who you are, for me you are a pandawow player, not more and not less, remember this.

So say if you want, or leave it if you don't.

  Zeox said:
I don't care who you are, for me you are a pandawow player, not more and not less, remember this.

So say if you want, or leave it if you don't.


If you want more queues, motivate them to queue. It's a fun server, it's not blizzlike.


Some suggestions:


1: Increase the conquest gain from winning from 180 to maybe 300-350 and maybe a small amount, even if you lose, so people don't actually get devestated when they lose to superior players/comps. Set it to maybe 50?


2: The transmog thingy dang ling chang dang lil wayne vendor u made is sick, but give it more restrictions or make something new that ONLY 3v3 players can get. you made the legendaries for arena, cool. BUT, you can still get it from 2v2 which everyone knows is easier to do. Make it only obtainable from 3s.


3: Custom weapon enchants. ONLY VISUALS. Old school enchants that just simply look badass. People really do care about cosmetic stuff and cosmetic stuff doesn't hurt the game at all, as long as we're not talking about something that is HUUGE. Enchants are just tiny pixels on your weapon. I swear, this would be insane


4: Transmog items from future patches? If you didn't answer this already... not sure. If you talk about people not seeing peoples gear, well, you can advertise them to download the SQL or w/e the name is like you do with BG announcements and also on your website/forum.


Are some ideas at least...

  • Administrators

1. No.

2. We will upgrade them later, but not the price part.

3. Show me examples, I don't understand what it should be.

4. Impossible without modifying client, we won't do it.

Posted (edited)
  Zeox said:
1. No.

2. We will upgrade them later, but not the price part.

3. Show me examples, I don't understand what it should be.

4. Impossible without modifying client, we won't do it.


You make an NPC that sells weapon enchants, just like this:




But you add like old enchants with NO effect. Put 2.2k 3v3 requirement


Enchant Weapon - Mongoose

Enchant Weapon - Executioner

Enchant Weapon - Sunfire

Enchant Weapon - Landslide

Enchant Weapon - Spellpower

Enchant Weapon - Avalanche

Enchant Weapon - Berserking

Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon


Some of them. You have a lot more.





Maybe even make an NPC in-game to change your race and you can manage your looks, just like in the create a character screen. It'll save as well when you logout, so you don't have to do it all the time. Rating requirement for this too.

Edited by Repitchx
For me, I think setting a restriction on the conquest-required tmog gear from the vendor to be at least 2k in 3s or 1750 if you don't want to disable people that much
  • Like 3
  Deielrion said:
For me, I think setting a restriction on the conquest-required tmog gear from the vendor to be at least 2k in 3s or 1750 if you don't want to disable people that much


nice. i like that as well.

  Deielrion said:
For me, I think setting a restriction on the conquest-required tmog gear from the vendor to be at least 2k in 3s or 1750 if you don't want to disable people that much


Then they should get prices lower, like to 1700, cuz it would make who got low conquest points to que more and more, and who got areadly 200-300k conquest, would be benefited anyways

Posted (edited)

The problem is that people dnt want to point arena against ''WMP, WMS, WMD O SOMESHIT COMP WITH WM (warrior mage)'' bcuz they say it's very OP and then people dodge becuz they dont want to lose rating, thus it is impossible to play 3vs3 ............ there are never queues more than 1.8 mmr............. -.-' And I can name a lot of people who dodge arena, So i dont know why you talk shit cuz the rank 25 in 3s (swdxz) is bslayer prob the rank 1 priest here just like akuyama




sorry for my bad english

Edited by djfreez
If I want to say exactly that, people dodge it and then complain that there are no queues so is is impossible that there are teams to high rating
Posted (edited)
  djfreez said:
If I want to say exactly that, people dodge it and then complain that there are no queues so is is impossible that there are teams to high rating


That's not quite true. Most of the people who don't que anymore are just bored to face the same broken shit over and over again since people here don't know what comp variety is. I could play WMS all day long aswell and oneshot everything in the opener.


Such fun much gameplay Kappa.


It's simple, fix warriors and more people will que since everyone is going full fotm apeshit

Edited by Noneedholyx
  Noneedholyx said:
That's not quite true. Most of the people who don't que anymore are just bored to face the same broken shit over and over again since people here don't know what comp variety is. I could play WMS all day long aswell and oneshot everything in the opener.


Such fun much gameplay Kappa.


It's simple, fix warriors and more people will que since everyone is going full fotm apeshit



Probably when they fix the warriors they cry about the mages again...


If i can make a suggestion, bring the SOLOQ system 3V3 From ARENA TOURNAMENT and everybody gonna q 3S even the biggest noobs.

I remember when i was playing on AT people was playing more 3S than 2S with this system.

  bogata51 said:
If i can make a suggestion, bring the SOLOQ system 3V3 From ARENA TOURNAMENT and everybody gonna q 3S even the biggest noobs.

I remember when i was playing on AT people was playing more 3S than 2S with this system.



People neither dont want to queue 2s or at least there are at high ratings by hpriest mage, Seriously ppl dont que because they do not want to not because the system is the worst

Posted (edited)
  Noneedholyx said:
Why should anyone cry about mages, what?


before my vacations i was in que hpriest/mage... and many players pandawow w/me only for Just to tell me that the mages are broken or just to say me stop queue that comp


- - - Updated - - -


  bogata51 said:
I mean rated soloq ofc it will be another bracket like 5V5 u delete 5V5 and replace it with this, nobody is playing 5V5 anyways.


only wintraders in 5vs5 xd

Edited by djfreez
Because mage priest was broken? Priest being able to keep you up until 100% dampening in mirrors is fucking insane if you then still lose games to any comp other than rshaman/x you just weren't playing any good. So obviously people complained about Priest Mage lol.

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Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon
1.5 sec cast

Permanently enchant a melee weapon to often strike for 40 additional Fire damage.