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Hey Zeox, I have taken it upon myself to test out some of the bugs on the QA realm which have been applied "tested and fixed" by mister Machmollo himself, I have done this with my own account that I used before, and oh boy.

He approved:

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=204341&page=5 without testing all of the properties that have been mentioned in the report, Morelleth had to TEST THIS HERSELF so it wouldn't go on live, because atm charge is still very buggy, tested it myself. :)


http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=215421 This is also approved, BUT NOT FIXED AT ALL, drinking is still VERY buggy and is no where close to how it should be fixed. - REALLY BIG BUG SHOULD NOT GO LIVE ON PANDAWOW -

**Made a mistake with the recording, should be 10% per 1 sec after the 5 second rule that Repitch stated in his report.


http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=219249 Shadowfury GCD still not fixed, shadow fury GCD VISUAL is fixed, but the mechanic is not.


Saying, "oh but it is my first day, oh but i do not know how to do this yet" is a very poor excuse, not a single mistake was made with the last batch of QA members. Machmollo & Melanie should not be trusted at all, they have malicious intents against pandawow, proven with these acts I just linked, http://i.imgur.com/yeLur0L.jpg this states Melanies intentions very well aswell I would say.


I do not wish to come back to QA with this, I was clearly not good enough to be a part of pandawows staff with the acts I committed, I still however do play on pandawow as a player, not a staff member, and I want it to be playable, people like Machmollo & Melanie WILL NOT improve pandawow at all.

Edited by MiloradV2
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Machmollo is QA?


But why? I swear that more than half of his reports were just pulled out of his ass. He's been irrelevant on basically every thread I've read




he doesnt know anything about the game, idk why he's qa tbh... i guess they needed some people. desperate times...

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First of all, im having communication with other qa members, its why we sharing some tests,


about the reports, i test what is written on: Issues, not on bullshit random comments




the description is pretty clear tbh, so what do u mean "not bullshit random comments"?

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Well ye, abuser and wintrader as staff member is one thing but Ddoser aswell noe ? Wow


I liked pwow when it was about playing the game hehe


That was somewhere in 2013 then before i showed up 4Head


Btw cokeboyswag isnt max

Edited by Noneedholyx
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im gonna awnser this tomorrow when im at computer, every lie by lie. zzz


You're retarded with no game knowledge or real life knowledge, you're a piece of shit scumbag ddoser wintrader and an overall cunt also you're a bigger ape than King Kong.


And since you don't understand English here's the version you understand: YOU DDOS WINTREYD END BIG MANKI END STOOPID.

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Well ye, abuser and wintrader as staff member is one thing but Ddoser aswell noe ? Wow




That was somewhere in 2013 then before i showed up 4Head


Btw cokeboyswag isnt max


Its Rascalx.

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Get out of the server please, it is very obvious that you just want to fix stuff that works for your class, an arena player, GLADIATOR MACHMOLLO, doesn't know how drinks in arena work.


yh this is why he reported all warlock bugs he know, like unbound will.


i have to ask again, r u ok

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yh this is why he reported all warlock bugs he know, like unbound will.


i have to ask again, r u ok


ye he reported Nightfall procs tho,jk it was Repitch http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=219641


tbh 90% of the reports for warlock are from autschi ..dude gtfo..go and sell me some oranges,send me them via FedEx,i want from your brother cacao and pineapple

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Nightfall second ppm bug is fake btw.


No it's not, and you're not in the place to talk about fake reports. It couldn't go above 5 procs on retail per min, you could also be unlucky and only get 3-4, as it's RNG. Show me a video of late s15 (end of 2014) where it procced more than 5 times.


http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=219249 Shadowfury GCD still not fixed, shadow fury GCD VISUAL is fixed, but the mechanic is not.


http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=215421 This is also approved, BUT NOT FIXED AT ALL, drinking is still VERY buggy and is no where close to how it should be fixed. - REALLY BIG BUG SHOULD NOT GO LIVE ON PANDAWOW - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ehO...ature=youtu.be **Made a mistake with the recording, should be 10% per 1 sec after the 5 second rule that Repitch stated in his report.


http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=204341&page=5 without testing all of the properties that have been mentioned in the report, Morelleth had to TEST THIS HERSELF so it wouldn't go on live, because atm charge is still very buggy, tested it myself

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