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IRL pic Challenge 2.0


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Russian version



1. Worstworld

2. Noneed

3. Jiri

~ http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=222702&page=15&p=1335704&viewfull=1#post1335704 ~

начнем с того, что эти фото не ее, а вот этой девушки https://vk.com/asyametalove а самой Настеньке 15 лет и выглядит она так https://prnt.sc/h5u3cf фото взято с ее давней страницы, которая во френдах у сестры Татьяны. а также наша Настя владеет фотошопом от бога. фото от Аркадия https://prnt.sc/h5u4p7 найс фотошоп надпись. оригинал фото https://prnt.sc/h5u67u комментарий от ее бывшего Максима: "Она врала мне, что ходила гулять, но сама сидела дома. Я поискал ее по базе Челябинска и выяснилось, что у нее 2002 год рождения. Потом я поискал ее фото и вышел на страницу девушки, у которой она все воровала"

English version



1. Worstworld

2. Noneed

3. Jiri

~ http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=222702&page=15&p=1335704&viewfull=1#post1335704 ~

we will begin with the fact that these not her photos, but this girl https://vk.com/asyametalove and Nastya is 15 years old and she looks so https://prnt.sc/h5u3cf the photo is taken from her old page which in friends at the sister Tatyana. and also our Nastya owns the photoshop from god. a photo from Arkady https://prnt.sc/h5u4p7 nice photoshop inscription. original of a photo https://prnt.sc/h5u67u the comment from her friend Maxim: "She lied to me that walked, but itself stayed at home. I have looked for her on base of Chelyabinsk and it has become clear that she has 2002 a year of birth. Then I have looked for her photo and came to the page of the girl from which she stole everything"

and Luntares wrote this post, cause i know Eng bad


Edited by ЛафкиЛунтарэс
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Russian version


~ http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=222702&page=15&p=1335704&viewfull=1#post1335704 ~

начнем с того, что эти фото не ее, а вот этой девушки https://vk.com/asyametalove а самой Настеньке 15 лет и выглядит она так https://prnt.sc/h5u3cf фото взято с ее давней страницы, которая во френдах у сестры Татьяны. а также наша Настя владеет фотошопом от бога. фото от Аркадия https://prnt.sc/h5u4p7 найс фотошоп надпись. оригинал фото https://prnt.sc/h5u67u комментарий от ее бывшего Максима: "Она врала мне, что ходила гулять, но сама сидела дома. Я поискал ее по базе Челябинска и выяснилось, что у нее 2002 год рождения. Потом я поискал ее фото и вышел на страницу девушки, у которой она все воровала"

English version


~ http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=222702&page=15&p=1335704&viewfull=1#post1335704 ~

we will begin with the fact that these not her photos, but this girl https://vk.com/asyametalove and Nastya is 15 years old and she looks so https://prnt.sc/h5u3cf the photo is taken from her old page which in friends at the sister Tatyana. and also our Nastya owns the photoshop from god. a photo from Arkady https://prnt.sc/h5u4p7 nice photoshop inscription. original of a photo https://prnt.sc/h5u67u the comment from her friend Maxim: "She lied to me that walked, but itself stayed at home. I have looked for her on base of Chelyabinsk and it has become clear that she has 2002 a year of birth. Then I have looked for her photo and came to the page of the girl from which she stole everything"

and Luntares wrote this post, cause i know Eng bad



luntares english is garbage too

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Nice man, our president left to buy cigarettes but he still didnt come back.. But I know he will :)

(Only thing we can do atm is taking this situation with a bit of sense of humor)


he went to report how the spain goverment is skipping the basic human rights and even the european code of laws (which he signed when he joined to europe)

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he went to report how the spain goverment is skipping the basic human rights and even the european code of laws (which he signed when he joined to europe)


What do you know about human rights violations? Live in Russia 1 year, then you will understand where government really violate human rights :D

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he went to report how the spain goverment is skipping the basic human rights and even the european code of laws (which he signed when he joined to europe)


Ya lo sé, que vivo en Barcelona coño pero yo me tomo esto con humor, por que no sabes la diferencia de opiniones que hay en mi casa, simplemente no me apetece profundizar en esto xd (tampoco he dicho mi opinión del tema)



But Ye thing is, this isn’t place to talk about that, they’ll close this thread if we spam too much about it

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