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Posted (edited)
if i would've count all the losses you had against any comp i ever played in 3s we would be at + ~100 probably. Anyways, as you can see everyone is disrespecting you for the comp you play because you still trying to act smart or good while playing it. Me beating multiple times during 1 session makes you happy? Ok good, hope you made enough screenshots.


Read again what i wrote:




I think i don't have to explain it even more now. Que that broken shit we don't mind, que it 24/7 but dont expect people to play active 3s while WMX is pretty much 4vs3


Hope your tiny brain can handle that.


sure hypocrite :D

You are always and you are the first to cry for everything, i just asked a question for zeox that you answered by talking shit that people do not queue for our WMP. that is absurd and I repeat it again because I see that you do not understand, previously and there were people playing these comps YOU WERE ONE OF THEM and people queue no matter what the crap your WMS


And i remember that I got gladiator with MLS the previous season while you were playing the comp more Aids the game, and are u crying now? well hypocrite :D


pdtt: DUMB

Edited by djfreez
Posted (edited)
sure hypocrite :D

You are always and you are the first to cry for everything, i just asked a question for zeox that you answered by talking shit that people do not queue for our WMP. that is absurd and I repeat it again because I see that you do not understand, previously and there were people playing these comps YOU WERE ONE OF THEM and people queue no matter what the crap your WMS


pdtt: dumb


People are not quing because of Warrior you ignorant ... .


like 5 people told you the same now. how can you be that blind ...


aww i give up, no point even trying

Edited by Noneedholyx
People are not quing because of Warrior you ignorant ... .


like 5 people told you the same now. how can you be that blind ...


aww i give up, no point even trying


Less than a month ago the warrior was nerf, if they return to nerf the warrior, more than half of the server will cry again

Less than a month ago the warrior was nerf, if they return to nerf the warrior, more than half of the server will cry again



But the other half will start queueing LUL

  • Like 2

Since idk how to use spoiler, gonna post an imgur where i got all my screens saved, most of them playing wms, and just look how fucking easy it is to win vs good players just because of the comp, cuz i barely even tried those games and still won (sorry for the screens that have nothing to do but cba to start re uploading). That's how easy it is to play wmx, doesn't take skill and can farm comps that are t1 and supposed to not loose such as LSD, so none of you should be so proud about farming people (who are not even good in this season, cuz its dead af, at least my screens are from s2 and s3 when pandawow was still kinda a thing) as warrior/mage.




I repeat a month ago the warrior and the magician were nerf and still people do not queue, No matter how they fix people do not want to fight against wm / x,
I repeat a month ago the warrior and the magician were nerf and still people do not queue, No matter how they fix people do not want to fight against wm / x,


They just didnt cuz LSD scared everybody. (Weafy love u kisses)

They just didnt cuz LSD scared everybody. (Weafy love u kisses)


That's not true at all, we queued alot of Godcomp into it even tho icelance damage was fucked up and we should've never won.


Pewds and several other people were queing WMS/lsd (zanked,max etc) on a daily basis aswell.


Thats bullshit lol, there were teams at the evening queueing, right now its dead.

That's not true at all, we queued alot of Godcomp into it even tho icelance damage was fucked up and we should've never won.


Pewds and several other people were queing WMS/lsd (zanked,max etc) on a daily basis aswell.


Thats bullshit lol, there were teams at the evening queueing, right now its dead.


True, but anyways the 3s queues decreased after a few time.


Every second new bug!



Spell Queue is still not 100%.

Ele mastery RIP.

Bugs get fixed then bugged again.

Fun realm crash several times.




Abuse for talents and specializations.

Fear path still works like sh*t, you get under textures and stupid pathway.


what else?


Then you guys wonder why no one queue!

Didn't you queue 800 games of rmd last season @noneedholyx?


800 games? lol no. and what's wrong with rmd? i mean, yeah it's op, but is it bugged? no.


I repeat a month ago the warrior and the magician were nerf and still people do not queue, No matter how they fix people do not want to fight against wm / x,


shut up, just shut up. fotm shit. legit disgusting to see you ONLY que bugged shit now. and you wonder why people don't que? https://gyazo.com/01d637327bc0c8c7488caf1b2afa0a41


talk all the shit you want, but in the end, you're doing jack shit in arena. then you want titles? sorry, but i thought the whole point of having titles was to earn them, reward GOOD players that WORKED for them. i didn't know 1.9k-2k rated players (not talking about u guys, ppl on the ladder) could also earn them from queueing into 1.2k teams that are casually playing for fun/capping. makes titles completely useless lmfao, but i guess you guys want that.


remember back when warrior had the 25% nerf/fix? yeah, i do. life was pretty good. wm/x was still good, winning against LSD still, but what did we see "oh noo, qa is making fake reports", "oh nooo, warriors can't crit 140 FKN K, need to spam the forums so they can do so i can play WM/X even more retardedly!"


ice block glyph is pointless vs wm (let alone wmp) so block is instantly off and mage is dead.


cry about titles all you want and brag all you want, but in the end, you're carried by a bugged comp.

Posted (edited)
800 games? lol no. and what's wrong with rmd? i mean, yeah it's op, but is it bugged? no.




shut up, just shut up. fotm shit. legit disgusting to see you ONLY que bugged shit now. and you wonder why people don't que? https://gyazo.com/01d637327bc0c8c7488caf1b2afa0a41


talk all the shit you want, but in the end, you're doing jack shit in arena. then you want titles? sorry, but i thought the whole point of having titles was to earn them, reward GOOD players that WORKED for them. i didn't know 1.9k-2k rated players (not talking about u guys, ppl on the ladder) could also earn them from queueing into 1.2k teams that are casually playing for fun/capping. makes titles completely useless lmfao, but i guess you guys want that.


remember back when warrior had the 25% nerf/fix? yeah, i do. life was pretty good. wm/x was still good, winning against LSD still, but what did we see "oh noo, qa is making fake reports", "oh nooo, warriors can't crit 140 FKN K, need to spam the forums so they can do so i can play WM/X even more retardedly!"


ice block glyph is pointless vs wm (let alone wmp) so block is instantly off and mage is dead.


cry about titles all you want and brag all you want, but in the end, you're carried by a bugged comp.


I repeat it because I see that you have read the other types up the previous season, i push with MLS dumb lol, this is the first time I play this shit in pandawow. DUMB ASS


And honestly it's not my fucking problem that the server is dead, by the bugs, by the warriors or the mages or so that shit is,but if you always have a fucking excuse not to give titles then do not complain that the server is dead because it is normal for people to leave here

Edited by djfreez
I repeat it because I see that you have read the other types up the previous season, i push with MLS dumb lol, this is the first time I play this shit in pandawow. DUMB ASS


yeah, but what happend when you queued mls? you kinda lost many games too, didn't you? i don't care what you pushed as, i just want to point out that you're being carried right now because WM/x is legit the DUMBEST shit out there atm.


keep making excuses like what you queued in previous seasons, i don't care. what i do care about is that you are a fotm shit right now that only queued this broken shit the entire season and won't admit that it's bugged. but who cares? in the end, it's your loss. no one cba queueing when bugged shit is dominated the ladder.


i'm not the only one saying it, everyone is lmfao. strange how WAAAAAY more people queued in off season. really wonder why *thinking*

yeah, but what happend when you queued mls? you kinda lost many games too, didn't you? i don't care what you pushed as, i just want to point out that you're being carried right now because WM/x is legit the DUMBEST shit out there atm.


keep making excuses like what you queued in previous seasons, i don't care. what i do care about is that you are a fotm shit right now that only queued this broken shit the entire season and won't admit that it's bugged. but who cares? in the end, it's your loss. no one cba queueing when bugged shit is dominated the ladder.


i'm not the only one saying it, everyone is lmfao. strange how WAAAAAY more people queued in off season. really wonder why *thinking*


I do not care much people have been taken by a comp during the day a season ( zanked with his TSG got r1) (markyz with his WMS got glad) (diony with his wls got glad ) And they just played that comp to get glad, And now because I'm playing wm / x I'm a shit? Pls stfu

I do not care much people have been taken by a comp during the day a season ( zanked with his TSG got r1) (markyz with his WMS got glad) (diony with his wls got glad ) And they just played that comp to get glad, And now because I'm playing wm / x I'm a shit? Pls stfu


ye, you're kinda a huge turd, like not a small one, like a giant massive turd that stinks with flies flying around it.


fotm WM/X player

ye, you're kinda a huge turd, like not a small one, like a giant massive turd that stinks with flies flying around it.


fotm WM/X player


And you are a fucking orc from the depths of mordor, ugly, horrible etc ... in real life and above......crying.. uglyboy lel

And you are a fucking orc from the depths of mordor, ugly, horrible etc ... in real life and above......crying.. uglyboy lel


keep talking, burritolancex


keep talking while only queueing bugged comps and cries about titles. hope there won't be titles just so i can see your disgusting fotm face drop some tears.

keep talking, burritolancex


keep talking while only queueing bugged comps and cries about titles. hope there won't be titles just so i can see your disgusting fotm face drop some tears.


If for some reason zeox decides not to give titles, the problem will have the pro that will be another shit season in which there are no rewards and more people will go so shut up, you talk so much to improve the server, with these shit it will become more dead .... uglyboy

If for some reason zeox decides not to give titles, the problem will have the pro that will be another shit season in which there are no rewards and more people will go so shut up, you talk so much to improve the server, with these shit it will become more dead .... uglyboy


rememeber when you queued rmp? remember when you got farmed back then? no? well i do. look at you now, soon as you get a warrior, you stomp everyone, just for the solid reason that warrior atm is bugged and MD removes ice block glyph part.


shut up, burritomagex. don't talk while noneed outplays you 9/10 times. lmfao.


maybe if you didn't que BUGGED shit, people would start queueing, but who am i fooling? im talking to a freaking spanish moron that can't figure out 1+1 rofl

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I've already answered several times, learn how to search on the forum.


I didn't decide about rewards yet. I think we will give rewards but to less players, since there are not enough high ranked players.

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