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arena spectator


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can u make a new option for arena spectator? need a way to go back to different page. right now i need to close the window all the time.


would be nice


https://gyazo.com/0d8dd5134bccfba1e9661a2399bfc6a5 how it is atm


need to close the page and reclick the npc all the time. nothing major, just annoying AF


also let people with pets spectate? its annoying to remove ur pet all the time to spectate

Edited by Repitchx
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or you can look at it as the struggle to spectate being so great, it will encourage more players to queue instead




I agree though but try and think of anything else to add to this instead of making a separate thread every time


For example, if you have a pet then you can't spectate or you have to close the window if you click a game whilst having a summoned pet and then still can't spec after you dismiss it

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or you can look at it as the struggle to spectate being so great, it will encourage more players to queue instead




I agree though but try and think of anything else to add to this instead of making a separate thread every time


For example, if you have a pet then you can't spectate or you have to close the window if you click a game whilst having a summoned pet and then still can't spec after you dismiss it


ah ye, i forgot about that, will add it to this thread. and i create new threads because zeox doesnt check the other old threads.

Edited by Repitchx
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Dafuq... This is such a small thing it's not even worth mentioning imo.


I'd much rather they fix the bug, where you're in arena 3vs3, and then all of a sudden when someone spectates you, you get a 4th, 5th and even 6th, greyed-out arena frame for the person spectating lmao.


I don't know what triggers this, since it only happens sometimes. But, If you have your focus underneath your arena target 3 bar, then it COMPLETELY fucks you. You can't see the buffs on your focus target lol

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Dafuq... This is such a small thing it's not even worth mentioning imo.


I'd much rather they fix the bug, where you're in arena 3vs3, and then all of a sudden when someone spectates you, you get a 4th, 5th and even 6th, greyed-out arena frame for the person spectating lmao.


I don't know what triggers this, since it only happens sometimes. But, If you have your focus underneath your arena target 3 bar, then it COMPLETELY fucks you. You can't see the buffs on your focus target lol


Yep, that happened to me bunch of times, and i have de-buffs at my upper right corner (by the default) and i use Gladiusex, therefore when those spectators come "the gray frames" it covers up most of my screen & messes it up.

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"Back" will be added after update.


also let people with pets spectate? its annoying to remove ur pet all the time to spectate

No. There are some reasons, don't want to spend time to fix some bugs with spectating together with pet. Maybe we will add forced despawn of pet, we will look if it's possible.



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