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Idk maybe dk dmg, warrior charge animation thing, has been bugged ever since I came here, disgusting shaman totem getting everyone you in combat if u use it insta. Just a lot of small retarded shit that makes the game trash.


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And pets getting stuck in pillar :)


Yes pets are annoying as

Fuck, but totem is fixed, and not only dks?, every melee needs it, honestly if u ask me being s melee should be rewarding, cuz whenever u connect and u dont do dmg would be even more unbalanced, thats how the game is, casters should do less dmg bcuz they can do it from distance.

Idk maybe dk dmg, warrior charge animation thing, has been bugged ever since I came here, disgusting shaman totem getting everyone you in combat if u use it insta. Just a lot of small retarded shit that makes the game trash.


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And pets getting stuck in pillar :)


i agree that dk & warrior damage should get fixed, but there are no reports about their damage, so it will never happen. if zeox updated pandawow which is actually 5.4.7 to 5.4.8, then it'd be fixed. every other 5.4.8 server got dk & warrior damage fixed, even shitty servers with less than 200 players on it got the damage fixed + SPELL QUEUE.

What is zeox waiting for then?


A valid bug report.


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if zeox updated pandawow which is actually 5.4.7 to 5.4.8' date=' then it'd be fixed.[/quote']

It has been areadly discussed on discord.

What is zeox waiting for then?


he believes it won't change anything. i just find it funny when u talk to the devs on pandawow, they all say it's hard and complicated to fix spell queue, but yet every other server with less than 200 players got it working fine. pandawow is 5.4.7 and they are 5.4.8. pandawow is just flat out a custom 5.4.7 server that added 5.4.8 shit. of course it will be buggy, even people who talked about the core said the same. the core consist of bunch of hackfixes.


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A valid bug report.


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It has been areadly discussed on discord.


yes and it would fix it.

If they could get to 5.4.8 and apply all the fixed bugs from previous patch wouldve been gucci, would it be tomeconsuming? Yes but i dont think its gonna be hard to do, especially if everyone actually focused on it, it would take less time obviously, ive been looking on forums and in spotted zeox saying " still thinking about how to make 3s more viable bracket" that made me giggle cuz there were sooooooo many suggestions about improvements, but they still have people who only work for pve ( and there are some people who are doing nothing) if people wanted to pve theyd leave pandawow and go on retail, cuz retail pve is pretty cool :)
3v3 ssolo que most useless thing I've ever seen. Maybe should fix the actual game instead of implementing useless shit tbh.


like what?


Idk maybe dk dmg' date=' warrior charge animation thing, has been bugged ever since I came here, disgusting shaman totem getting everyone you in combat if u use it insta. Just a lot of small retarded shit that makes the game trash.[/quote']

looks like you're new in here

i think ive been here for 2 years, along with other players we reported hundreds of bugs, which were much more cricual that appear right now, but i, personnaly understood, that this server would never be fixed perfectly, that's impossible, so they need at least make playing time with bugs more enjoyable


and who is gonna que 3v3?people here are too bad for 3v3 and they cant even find partners.

1. ...players?

2. people too bad to play? wut? player's skill doesnt prevent them from pressing the button to que

3. thit is wrong. Exactly 3v3 soloq can increase the chance to find partners like nothing else

Posted (edited)
1. ...players?

wooow no shit man,i meant 15 lvl mobs


people too bad to play? wut? player's skill doesnt prevent them from pressing the button to que

ye i guess every random player wants to get farmed from warrior/mage/healer or warrior teams especially vs akyuama/djfreezer/warrior cuz they have no life and they que 24/7.i think there is a reason why ppl don't que arenas at all.and one of the reason is its insanely boring to play cuz since 3 years we play only vs warriors,even 1.5 rated warriors play with sripts/pqr.also ppl left pandawow cuz wow is boring for some ppl or they moved to warmane/retail.atm u see only afk ppl in stormwind who only spectate arenas and ride Magic rooster just to look badass,nobody plays except experienced pvp players like noneed,baz,akyuama,djfreezer,autschi and so on..max 10-14 ppl(from 1.5k+ players in the server).check the ladder in 3s.everyone plays mage/warrior there.i have nothing against that,but don't you see that ppl only cry cuz everyone plays mage and warr,how are they gonna que 3s?if ppl here played godcomp/phs/phd/jungle/kitty/wps,or at least a fucking shadow priest ,maybe there would be queues cuz of different comps.few days ago i queued 3s with 0 rated char in 3s and my friends,and the 1st arena was vs akyuama/djfreezer.it's fine,just i wonder how even on this mmr i cant play 1 chill arena and im immediately starting to play vs tryharders



3. thit is wrong. Exactly 3v3 soloq can increase the chance to find partners like nothing else

you do realize ppl left the server and nobody gives a shit about 3s except the good players?do you think a random 2k resto shaman from Crit Happens guild will que 3s when he realizes he will que only vs wmp and gets farmed 5 times?you are talking about 3v3 soloq in a fucking dead server,cant you understand that man?

to find partners

rofl...its not like to be in retail and to say "2.4 shaman lf partners for 3s *links 2.4 achievement* and he gets 2.4 ppl with achievements",here you buy 3k exped char and you tell everyone that u r r1,but when u play u r dogshit,thats the truth

Edited by денискашвд
What you guys cant understand is that, the update to 5.4.8 sould make we loose all bug fixes progresses. even with a 0.1 chance to fix war, all devs progress would be lost and could let it more bugged than its actually, even fixing war
Posted (edited)
What you guys cant understand is that' date=' the update to 5.4.8 sould make we loose all bug fixes progresses. even with a 0.1 chance to fix war, all devs progress would be lost and could let it more bugged than its actually, even fixing war[/quote']


Everyone understands that what the f*** are you saying xD?


Did you read anything before you commented?

Edited by Noneedholy
What you guys cant understand is that, the update to 5.4.8 sould make we loose all bug fixes progresses. even with a 0.1 chance to fix war, all devs progress would be lost and could let it more bugged than its actually, even fixing war


not like in 2-3 months all the bugs that greatly affect the general gameplay will not get fixed, right?


lol jk.


3 months top and all the 10/10 bugs would get fixed. but i guess warrior damage isn't as important for arena that covers probably more than half of the server LUL

how to 100% fix pvp in world of warcraft? ban all heal specs inside arena so there won't be long ass dampening cc spam games and everyone will be happy
Posted (edited)

The best time you guys had to suggest that, was during 1 year off season we had. Doing this kind of change to 5.4.8 would make server loose a lot of players, gurubashi, pver's etc. Due the new annoying bugs would appear.


I agree that warrior got something wrong, but atm best thing we can do, is searching for it.


Also i noticed that shaman's mastery when applied to a warrior, all his mastery spells get strongly weird. Check this video from bajheera for example, his Opportunity strikes procs once per 3 - 4 seconds, sometimes lower, but its still a big time between procs, But sadly atm for devs its working proper. Since atm on pandawow we got like, 2 opportunity strikes per second.


Edited by Worstworld
The best time you guys had to suggest that, was during 1 year off season we had. Doing this kind of change to 5.4.8 would make server loose a lot of players, gurubashi, pver's etc. Due the new annoying bugs would appear.


I agree that warrior got something wrong, but atm best thing we can do, is searching for it.


Also i noticed that shaman's mastery when applied to a warrior, all his mastery spells get strongly weird. Check this video from bajheera for example, his Opportunity strikes procs once per 3 - 4 seconds, sometimes lower, but its still a big time between procs, But sadly atm for devs its working proper. Since atm on pandawow we got like, 2 opportunity strikes per second.



ur wrong, hehe. noneed explained already long ago

Gg bach the wintrader hosting a tourney, prize pool is sponsored by roguetrainer, bach the 2.1k pandawow legend, never tryhards but is the best and he just went easy on you, he played a joke comp so it doesnt count, outplayed gg noobs l2p
  • Like 2

Im unbanned and yet again, same thing happened to dion TWICE but no one called him a wintrader.


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prize pool is actually sponsored by my best friend saad Kappa


Not playing pandawow for 3 years because you got banned for wintrading but occasionally shit talking on the forums pointlessly in 2017


I see you are tryharding that 2s ....what about 3s . if i can count how many times did u lose against me lul so cute this server still has tryhard players like you.
I see you are tryharding that 2s ....what about 3s . if i can count how many times did u lose against me lul so cute this server still has tryhard players like you.


he got r1 in 3s isn't that crazy? when watchmedick realizes that he wont get r1 anymore he'll que wmchi, also some pallys probobly too, Conejo or w/e guy realizes that he wont get r1 either by queing 2s and will que wmpala

Posted (edited)

Hahaha PandaWoW Forums on Off-Season = :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:


conqueror do u want tournament to be filled with only wms? have fun then participate in noneeds tourny i guess he loves wms


lol :mocking::mocking:



I'm not the one getting trashtalked by dionysus and then after spam whispering him AND his teammates to PLEASE forgive me and not hate on me


buhu, you're the one sucking dicks and maje+dion told me the same xD. Bro, you're just bad. And you will always be bad


:confused::confused: Wait whaaaaat? :confused::confused:

I don't even know who Kingbach is, but all that was bullshit. :facepalm::fool:


Unless it's Diabloque, I don't trashtalk+play about anyone. Matter of fact, I've barely even whispered you all season Noneed, so quit the bullshit lad & keep me out of this shitshow!


TY + Hugs n' Kisses



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cba :angel:

Edited by Baps001

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