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Deterrence + Stuns simultaneously


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This has already been reported and I'm not sure why it was declined without being fixed.

It's also "difficult" to reproduce:


1. Deterrence


2. If you cast Deterrence at the exact same time as a stun successfully lands on you - example: Deep Freeze, you become stunned while your Deterrence is up, the problem is: while in stun and Deterrence at the same time, you should be subject to taking direct damage for as long as the stun lasts. Although on Pandawow this is not the case, you continue to deflect direct attacks, it should also work with chastise too, you can Chastise Deterrence if timed perfectly (mostly by luck) and the next cast on the hunter will deal direct damage and break the chastise and then the Deterrence should continue to deflect future stuns / attacks and anything else as usual


3. 11/09/2017



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it was bugged on retail' date='but only worked with axe toss,no other ability so your post is invalid,ive been playing hunter for a long time and never saw or had the things ur talking about happen...[/quote']




post is invalid




Under the effect of CC whilst in Deterrence the hunter should receive dmg/harmful spells. If the CC can break on dmg Deterrence will work normally again.

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you just further proved my point,it only bugs out with spells like coil and axe toss,spells with a travel time..its a known retail bug


- - - Updated - - -


also i read ur post,the part where you said that rogues used to cheapshot thru deter for kills during wotlk

(in wotlk,spells like cheapshot,pounce,backstab,ambush and the feral main dmg ability forgot the name used to go thru deter cuz they would hit from the behind,retarded concept,but thats how it was)

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Dear Akuyama


We know that you only play Mage/Priest (hence your examples with Deep Freeze , Chastise) , but when you are referring to STUNS please be more specific .


http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/215540-cheap-shot-in-deterence-43-live-servers/?hl= cheap shot deterrence

"Any ranged attacks will go through you when you're stunned through deterrence. Won't happen for melee attacks though, kind of annoying." -Dillypoo

that was back in CATA 4.3


Lets not talk about WRATH Deterrence cause back then that ability was completely different , aka fucking useless .


So please be more specific and provide ACTUAL proof cause the way you typed this thread you are gonna bring WRATH DETERRENCE in MOP since the Pandawow stuff is clueless when it comes to pvp mechanics.


@topic we only have Autschi's proof regarding death coil in Deterrence and Axe Toss I guess.

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Under the effect of CC whilst in Deterrence the hunter should receive dmg/harmful spells.


That's a vague statement cause even though you have proof regarding coil, it wasn't a thing for melees. Go figure. This mechanic was hella bugged.


And its not that hard to cheap/kidney a Deterrence here in pwow cause latency.

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you just further proved my point,it only bugs out with spells like coil and axe toss,spells with a travel time..its a known retail bug


- - - Updated - - -


also i read ur post,the part where you said that rogues used to cheapshot thru deter for kills during wotlk

(in wotlk,spells like cheapshot,pounce,backstab,ambush and the feral main dmg ability forgot the name used to go thru deter cuz they would hit from the behind,retarded concept,but thats how it was)


Happened to me with asphyx tho.

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I haven't any proof to back up what I'm about to say, although in season 14 and 15 I've observed Deep Freeze and Chastise behaving this way with Deterrence, I can't say for certain about anything else


My point is that if it worked for deep freeze then it should work for every instant stun otherwise its just a stupid retail bug that it shouldn't get implemented .


But yeah if you are going to refer to stuns in general , then proof is needed for every single stun .


Why would a mage be able to deep freeze deterrence and spam dmg into it , but the same not be applied for rogues or warriors ? ? ?


Prove both sides.

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That's a vague statement cause even though you have proof regarding coil' date=' it wasn't a thing for melees.[/quote']


Yes, there are just plenty of spells that have the same behavior, but I haven't played lots of classes so can only confirm some spells troughout seeing/hearing it from other players.


I've been coiling deters since early cata and it's beein in the game ever since, I've just come to the point of not caring about this bug since I can not be arsed to find proof for 30 spells for a 3/10 report.

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love how all the butt hurt hunters are crying for this to be closed


I'm talking from a rogue's pov that stuns deterrences more often than you think .


So if THIS thread gets approved you are mostly "helping" good rogues who can actually time it (which is not hard at all) .


But ofc I don't want that cause its not legit at all so yeah . Have you ever heard hunters dying through deter vs rogues in MOP , cause I haven't xDDD

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considering ur trying to redesign a properly working spell(to some extent) to your benefit,just cuz u got farmed by surv/rdruid i wouldnt be talking :'D


That's not really redesigning, zeox said that they don't do custom changes, and considering this was how it ws on retail fixing it or not bugging it to the way it was would be a custom fix.

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ur 100% wrong,you could never chastise someone in deter or attack them in deter even if a deep/cheapshot happens to hit them cuz of massive delay(which is why it happens on pandawow,not because its supposed to),you could only axe toss or death coil them in deter and attack them because det would bug out because of the travel time of the spell...also ur only able to get hit by ranged attacks when this occurs
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I used to have a video recorded in season 15, 2v2


I Chastised a Hunter and it brought him to 5% health, he had no dots on him and my partner was in CC, his Deterrence was up at the same time as Chastise, I Smited him and he died through Deterrence 1.2 seconds later as Smite landed and got the killing blow (the Smite dealt yellow damage as you'd expect, instead of a deflect).



FYI, every spell has a travel time, even if you think it doesn't


From your Stormbolt with a 1.5 second travel time to a Fist of Justice / Priest instant fear with 0.1 second travel time, they all have a travel time, some shorter and longer than others ..it reminds me of my previous thread regarding Dominate Mind landing at the same time as a CC, if you time it well enough even a Fist of Justice can evade like a Stormbolt

Edited by akuyama
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ur 100% wrong' date='you could never chastise someone in deter or attack them in deter even if a deep/cheapshot happens to hit them cuz of massive delay(which is why it happens on pandawow,not because its supposed to),you could only axe toss or death coil them in deter and attack them because det would bug out because of the travel time of the spell...also ur only able to get hit by ranged attacks when this occurs[/quote']




It's simple, you can Pre-EVERYTHING if you do it 1 MS before he used deter (for you, pretty much at the same time) Doesnt matter if melee or range you dumbass.


And after that, you can do damage during him being in a stun/deter

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I'm not going to look for proof, I'm just saying what I observed on retail in season 14 and season 15 and would like to see it fixed, maybe other people can provide some video proof but all I have is from what I've experienced on retail, just words.


I cannot formulate a definitive delineation of why it occurs other than a theory - example: Deep Freeze being cast at 2:30:10:05 PM and Deterrence being cast at 2:30:10:06 PM

Source A being the Mage cast a Deep Freeze with a travel time of 0.1? seconds, and source B casting a Deterrence, relative to the Hunter, the Mage cast Deep Freeze before the Hunter's Deterrence on the Mages screen and relative to the Mage the Hunter cast Deterrence before the Deep Freeze on his screen because he cannot see the travel time and delay, in the background of the game? The game decided (and always decides this if the stun or CC is timed well enough, because there must always be a decision) that Deep Freeze was before Deterrence, maybe the reason why Deterrence happens but doesn't work fully is because the deflecting capabilities of Deterrence haven't been loaded? Just the buff, because the deflecting capabilities of Deterrence also have a travel time? to begin working for the Hunter, but now he is already stunned/cced and Deterrence can no longer load the rest of the Deterrence spell which deflects things because he is stunned and unable to use anything?


I have absolutely no idea, but try to think of shadow meld perhaps, you cast a spell into a target which melds and on your screen you cast it when he was still there and a physical target, but within the travel time he vanishes and the spell goes nowhere, it's really difficult to explain and wrap your head around, my explanation was probably completely wrong and retarded, but there must be an outcome of using both abilities at the same time, and for some reason, perhaps because of the way shadow meld works? it's the reason why CC on a Deterrence at exactly the same moment in time do not deflect and make him vulnerable to attacks


if anybody else has any other theory / ideas or criticism let me know because I spaced myself out


Also something else I'd just like to throw out here: I have cast a Greater Heal / Flash Heal and at the same time that the spell completes casting and finishes/becomes successful, my partner has ran out of LoS around the pillar, the heal visually looks like it finishes and also uses mana!! but does not heal him, he receives no healing, there's no combat log record of a heal happening on him, mana is taken, the spell looks successful but it's as if my partner has "melded" my heal by LoSing me, perhaps this information can better improve somebodies theory as to why this Deterrence scenario occurs

Edited by akuyama
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