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Fps stuck at 64


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In the game settings I have my refresh rate set to 120 Hz and v-sync enabled. My monitor is also 120 Hz, and my Nvidia GPU refresh rate setting is also 120. Despite of these settings my fps seems to be stuck at 64, occasionally jumping to 120 (which is what it should be at). I've tried playing around with the in-game settings like triple buffering, changing between windowed, windowed-fullscreen and fullscreen modes, changing other video settings but none of these seem to fix the issue. I don't have this issue on other mop private servers I've played on, so I'm suspecting it's a client issue. Any Ideas?

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Actually I just changed from fullscreen to windowed-fullscreen and that seemed to fix the issue! Thanks for the answer anyways. So for others having the same issue, try switching to windowed or windowed-fullscreen. That way the refresh rate of the game is synced with that of the monitor/desktop.
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