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I got muted for 7 days for having the word "butt" in my username. First of all, "butt" isn't even a bad word in America, second of all A WEEK WHAT THE HELL!?

I was allowed to say "butt" when I was four years old, is Pandawow technically kindergarten and if so why did I not just get sent to the office?

No but seriously, if the word butt is sexual content then so is leg,feet,eyes,arms,nose,ears,ect. Please unmute me, I even changed my characters name. My name is Tops on fun realm.


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My friend got muted for 30 minutes for the same thing btw. This is unfair.

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  • Game Masters

Pandawow has it's own rules and different "forbidden words" as I already told you in the P.M. and of course with your registration you agreed with server rules.


My friend got muted for 30 minutes for the same thing btw. This is unfair.


That's impossible, the punishment for an inappropriate name is 10080 minutes. Just wait till mute expires, we can't do nothing in your case since you violated rules.



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