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im banned

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name of account or char banned: vasculk





I woke up today and saw that my account is banned by '' wintrade '' and nobody told me why?. I hope this is a mistake but that I have been gladiator all the seasons and you can buy it on your prize delivery pages


http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=219291 rank 2 rank 8 and rank 10 in 3s and same in 3s alot ranks


So my question is why have I been banned? Have you found my ip in the account of my enemies? because if you were banned for playing with a retarded player and he did wintrade it's not my fault, I can not know who is legit and who can not, nor can I know who is wintrader on this server and who. you can not ban other people just because they're a wintrader, seriously it's not our fault, and if you do not want to ban the whole server for playing with those wintrader players, banned permanently, in the end those responsible are you. so please unban me I did not have anything to do

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acc's name : Zankedxyxyy and char : Highest


It seems absurd to me that you ban us just for playing with garbage players


1st if you look at all the posts he has for wintrade, he is using a lot of top people so that they can also be banned





and if you want to see more look in the roguetrainer forum, he has about 30 bans in forum just for wintrade / hacks / pqr or ddos ppl, with different names obviously, but with the same ip of all the characters are yours

Why the fuck do not you permanently ban him and so you stop banning people who are not to blame?

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name of account or char banned: vasculk





I woke up today and saw that my account is banned by '' wintrade '' and nobody told me why?. I hope this is a mistake but that I have been gladiator all the seasons and you can buy it on your prize delivery pages


http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=219291 rank 2 rank 8 and rank 10 in 3s and same in 3s alot ranks


So my question is why have I been banned? Have you found my ip in the account of my enemies? because if you were banned for playing with a retarded player and he did wintrade it's not my fault, I can not know who is legit and who can not, nor can I know who is wintrader on this server and who. you can not ban other people just because they're a wintrader, seriously it's not our fault, and if you do not want to ban the whole server for playing with those wintrader players, banned permanently, in the end those responsible are you. so please unban me I did not have anything to do


Wintrading :D trash

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