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Zanked & DJFreeze & Spectratorncp got banned for nothing

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thanks bro for ur thread but i doubt they will even read.. cuz u know pandawow's gms :/


and thanks everyone for support


thank you (behindqq and to all) for trying to get us unbanned but znk has reason ...they will not read everything you put, let alone the comments of zanked and mine


we are maybe one of the few ranks tops left in pandawow and even then we are banned by mistakes that others made, later they complain that because people are going pandawow


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if there'll be enough resonance may be they'll rethink their point of view at such moments.

That's just stupid, you did not anything bad, why should you be banned along with those scumbags?



our mistake is to play with '' roguetrainer '' knowing how it is, but even though it is a stupid person ... it is one of the '' best '' server wars, what we did not take into account is that the return to wintrade or the shits of that style. then who else should we play with? if this server is dead , and their mistake is to ban us, when they know perfectly the kind of player that is roguetrainer

we are maybe one of the few ranks tops left in pandawow

you are indeed.

I have played at many private servers and I know how do they usually die. Good players leave due to nonexistance of challenge on the server and then leaves the other part of players that were playing there only because there was a challenge, there were good players against whom you could play and have fun.

Now they ban may be the only players that constantly queing 3v3, that's just stupid. If there's no 3v3 que server will die eventually. I know it for sure, I bet it will kill server(at least fun realm) if no one will que 3v3.

The more people are engaged in 3v3 the better the server is. AT may be was the only one that could really be called PVP server.

Here fun realm is more looking like a half PvE server, even though it's named PvP realm a lot of players only que 2v2 to get some gear and pve and then go play those dumb gurubashi encounters.

I am sure the realm would be better if they just delete 2v2 as an option to que.


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our mistake is to play with '' roguetrainer '' knowing who it is

Dude, even though that was him, GMs could just reset your rating but not ban you. I doubt that was that hard.

I cannot see any reason why should be banned somebody if there's more efficient way of dealing with wintrading. Just reset rating, that's it.


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это могли обычные рандомы регать

Это рандомы и регали, основной аргумент в бане занкеда был в том что они не стопнули регать после того как на них стали выходить винтрейдеры. И типа за то что не зарепортили винтрейдящую комманду изначально.

you are indeed.

I have played at many private servers and I know how do they usually die. Good players leave due to nonexistance of challenge on the server and then leaves the other part of players that were playing there only because there was a challenge, there were good players against whom you could play and have fun.

Now they ban may be the only players that constantly queing 3v3, that's just stupid. If there's no 3v3 que server will die eventually. I know it for sure, I bet it will kill server(at least fun realm) if no one will que 3v3.

The more people are engaged in 3v3 the better the server is. AT may be was the only one that could really be called PVP server.

Here fun realm is more looking like a half PvE server, even though it's named PvP realm a lot of players only que 2v2 to get some gear and pve and then go play those dumb gurubashi encounters.

I am sure the realm would be better if they just delete 2v2 as an option to que.


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it's been 4 years that I've been playing pandawow I've never do PvE, but since last season I have a rogue 588 I'm looking for xmogs, I make dungeons and I even go to gurubashi to kill with my PVE team, because the server is so dead that you're already row 1 on stairs what else could he do?


arenas? 2vs2? for what? i'm 2700 mmr with akuyama... and play vs 2k team is so fucking fucking fucking bored

then what i need do? play 3vs3? for what noone queue in 3vs3 or always i face same teams pilare/darkness/sakion, i never see another team

what else could he do?

Usually I make another character, but since the season they called "off-season" I never played pvp here for serious, cuz that season was the only one when I aimed to hit the gladiator which I had done and then they call it "off-season", that pissed me the fuck off so i just start playing retail instead, those were the best months of my WoW experience.

And now I see the server growing more and more boring due to nonexistance of 3v3 que and Administration seems to not feel like make it more Valuable for players, they just don't give a shit about it, theremore they ban you, may be the only players left who que 3v3 frequently.

I hope you won't quit this server only cuz of this accident.


haven't even tried to login for 3 days so I have no idea if I'm even banned or what ever


but if I am, who ever banned me is an absolute fucking mouth breathing stupid twat like

if you wintrade you're gonna queue into the same team over and over while they do nothing and you get points, not 4x random teams at 1.2k / 1.4k / 1.5k and 1.3k MMR


also if I'm going to wintrade I'll be doing it with a high team multiple times in a row


these are just 4x different teams who are random morons trying to wintrade to 1.7k for no reason and we somehow continue to keep getting them because no GM can give one fuck to ban them


protip: if I really want to wintrade, I'll have a high team who are friends queue into me and have a "real" game ..but somebody "forgets" to use a cooldown and we farm them so it looks completely legit and like we have good queues


how dare you insult my intelligence to think that I would wintrade into 1.2k teams for +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 like ..what the fuck lol? these teams didn't even give enough points for anything to even change lol


get some real GMs who actually log onto wow and ban these cunts who are wintrading without your players having to make tryhard reports and spy on them with video recordings and tryhard proof ..by this time they just delete their characters and you don't even do anything anyway LOL

Это рандомы и регали, основной аргумент в бане занкеда был в том что они не стопнули регать после того как на них стали выходить винтрейдеры. И типа за то что не зарепортили винтрейдящую комманду изначально.

Мне говорили что там в команде противника спалился шаман рогтрейнера, типу была пустая рега и он решил подлить себе т.к слил с 2210 до 2090

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