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your account isn't transfereable


Technically yeah since he is already playing in our server.


Regarding your question:


What we'll not transfer:

  • Custom items/spells/mounts not implemented on our server.
  • Hunter pets.
  • Transmogrification
  • Talents, glyphs, macros, skills on panels, account settings.
  • Mounts, Toys, Pets
  • Quests.
  • Achievements.
  • Professions recipes. They will have to be learned again.
  • Titles.
  • Legendary cloak
  • Items from bank, post and Void Storage.
  • Currencies.
  • The same characters if they were transferred earlier.
  • Guilds. If you are the guild leader don't forget to promote other player to guild master, otherwise we will do it for our choice.


For more informations you can take a look here.



Edited by Jegerm
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