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Please read the spoiler below and try each step:


[spoiler=7- On attempt of entering account, stuck on:]





  • Check if your account isn’t blocked. You can see that in your control panel on website. If you have it make tread in right place on forum.
  • This might be not long server restart. Server needs from 5 to 10 min to fully start up. Way a bit. Planed server restart happens every day, morning. Not planned ones might happen because of crash or accepting latest updates.
  • Also server might be turned off some failures in system codes or server machine. Such shut downs might last about an hour or more. Don’t panic, administrators need time to figure out such sort of problem. You like it or not, you will have to wait!
  • Enter forum, read latest news by game masters or players about server in this link. If you’ll find already created tread about server shut downs, you don’t need to re create new one, just repost in already active one.
  • Check security program settings, antivirus and firewall – they might block connection to game. Turn off everything, try if it doesn’t work turn them back on.
  • Some of users managed to fix by dropping “routing table”. For this u will need to go for next steps: Attention! Your internet connection will be down in process! You might need to restart PC if your internet connection will not get fixed by himself.


  1. Click “Start”, then “Run”.
  2. In popped tab enter “cmd” and click OK
  3. In opened window enter command “Route-f” after entering command your internet connection will go down.
  4. “Start” > ”Control panel” > ”Network connections” > right click on “Local connection” and click “Repair”.


  • Important step – It’s downloading new client, in case your old one might be damaged. You should download it from official website or from our, fixed and ready to launch. Only this two clients can fit security requirements and quality. Any other client might be damaged or had viruses.
  • If this instruction didn’t helped you, follow This rules. Open new tread in This section, if tread will not be created by rules, it might get closed without any response or help. Administration will answer it in following 1-2 days.



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