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What is the different between X100 and FUn reaml?


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DO players on Fun-Realm get free prideful Gear or something? It Seems like they are overpowered compared to players on x100.... They just charge straight ahead and blow us away and take no damage.


Just wondering because it doesn't feel right. It is like Man vs Boy.

Edited by x925
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DO players on Fun-Realm get free prideful Gear or something?


No, they obtain prideful gear with the same way like x100 players.


Seems like they are overpowered compared to players on x100


Most of the times, players from xfun are equipping better gear than x100 players so they have an advantage.


The differences between two realms are at leveling, gold, materials for professions and starting gear. Also at xfun there are vendors where you can purchase glyphs, gems and enchants for your character.

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Population = 99% server is alliance 10vs1 horde in timeless. Cant get a single item.

Battlegrounds = full geared fun realm alliance killing Low gearedx100 horde.



Edited by x925
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Population = 99% server is alliance


You should check server statistics.


Fun realm has huge advantage in pvp. Im out. Peace.


Obviously since it's an i90 realm. Also, keep in mind that you always could play in both realms or start joining BGs with a premade group to avoid losing every single match.


Good bye.

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