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Nickname FUN
Additional information.


project owner & Lead

Zeox / Zeox Zeox / Zeox Zeox / Zeox - Administrator and owner of the project;
- Development;
- Advertising and cooperation;
- Control Panel Development;

community administrator

Bukarasik / Buka Buka / Bukarasik Buka / Bukarasik - Forum administrator;
- Discord server administrator;
- Community & Staff Manager;
- Web shop
- Control panel: addition of new items to the Shop;
- Characters transferring;
- Resolving conflicts between the community and staff;
- Work with developers and creating changelogs;
- Rewarding players for contests, promotions and events;
- News and announcements preparation and publication;

Technical Administrator & Dev Lead

DeadMouse / DeadMouse DeadMouse / DeadMouse DeadMouse / DeadMouse - Forum administrator;
- Discord server administrator;
- Resolving conflicts between the community and staff;
- Work with developers and creating changelogs;


Nickname Additional information.
@Heisenberg Core & Database Development
@Mel Core & Database Development, PvE Developer
@Neff Core Development, PvP & class fixes
@HurtSut Core & Database Development, PvE

Game Masters

Nickname and position. Language FUN
Additional information.
Executive Game Master
RU Locative Locative Locative - Work with violations of the server rules;
- Technical support: requests about lost accounts and characters;
- Donate section;
- Work with RU-speaking community;
- Reviewing complaints on Chat Moderators;
- Reviewing applications for Chat Moderator and Technical Support positions;
- Rewarding players for contests, promotions and events;
- News and announcements preparation and publication;
Game Master
EN Jegerm / Hardinx Jegerm Jegerm - Technical support: requests about lost accounts and characters;
- Work with violations of the server rules;
- Work with EN-speaking community;
Game Master x5
RU   Зилиус  Зилиус  - Technical support;
- Work with violations of the server rules;
- Work with RU-speaking community;
Game Master
EN/ES/RO Cutie / Khyntia Khyntia Khyntia - Technical support;
- Work with violations of the server rules;
- Work with ES-speaking community;
- Localization;
Game Master
CN     Jiejie - Technical support;
- Work with violations of the server rules;
- Work with china-speaking community;
- Localization;
Game Master
RU Mairena Mairena Mairena - Technical support;
- Work with violations of the server rules;
- Work with RU-speaking community;

Chat moderators

Nickname and position. Language











Chat moderator

EN/RO Furyan / Brilliant    

Technical Support

Nickname and position. Language Additional information.
Technical support
RU - Work in topics in the support section; help with any difficulties that will arise;

Vacancies: [below]




  • 1 year later...
  • Administrators


Firstly, make sure that we have open vacancies.
Secondly, read requirements for candidates.
Thirdly, choose the position and read its duties.


Vacancy status
Technical support [RU]/International Support players on the forum, moderating the sections "Questions to administration" and "EN Support". Opened
Chat Moderator x100 Monitoring of the game chat and punishing players for violating chat rules, answering in-game tickets, checking in-game reports.
Moderating report a player section.
Chat moderator FUN Monitoring of the game chat and punishing players for violating chat rules, answering in-game tickets, checking in-game reports.
Moderating report a player section.
Chat moderator x5 Monitoring of the game chat and punishing players for violating chat rules, answering in-game tickets, checking in-game reports.
Moderating report a player section.
Moderator on "Facebook" Publication news of our project, answers on questions from users, delete messages/content, that violates rules of the server/group + daily add entertainment content: music/movies/useful articles, votes, polls an so on about our project or World of warcraft in general.
Support international community, important: knowledge of one of the following languages:
Event master Набор в группу ивент мастеров (без какого-либо доступа к командам, строительства чего-либо, установления нпс и т.п. на лайв сервере). Задачи ивент группы - генерация идей конкурсов, соревнований, ивентов, организация и проведение утвержденных мероприятий в связке с ГМ-составом.
Оформление ивентов на форуме, поиск спонсоров, призов.
Честность и отсутствие предвзятого отношения. Никакого ущемления игроков по расовому, классовому и фракционному признаку. Ивенты для всех.
Самостоятельность и постоянность в работе. Это значит, что вы сами будете придумывать ивенты и проводить их. Никто не будет за вас их придумывать, чтобы вы их потом провели, и наоборот.
Умение снимать видео и работать в видеоредакторе.
In development

Requirements for candidates:

  • Age 17+;
  • Good knowledge of written English;
  • For Chat Moderators: daily online on the project should be 4 hours minimum - weekly minimum is 25 hours;
  • Adequacy, reserve and responsibility knowledge of server rules;
  • Gaming experience in World of Warcraft:Mists of Pandaria for understanding general game features;
  • Gaming experience on our server must be 1 year minimum;

Warning: we don't consider the applications from candidates with zero activity on the forum or newly created accounts. We need to see your messages to know how good you are communicating.

Sample of writing an application ↓
Title: Desired position "Technical Support (or Chat Moderator x100/Fun, Facebook moderator and so on)" - I need it for searching in my pm.
1. Personal information: name, age, time zone relative to GMT.
2. Contact data: Skype.
3. Your experience of playing WoW, expansions; experience of playing PandaWoW.
4. On which realm and position are you want to work?
5. Nicknames of your main characters, realm.
6. Have you ever been muted or banned in the game or on our forums? If yes, please specify the reason.
7. What are you doing in the game playing PandaWoW most of the time?
8. Is there any reasons why you can be offline for extended period of the time? If there is, please specify it.
9. Any information about yourself which will help you to get the job (some additional knowledge, languages).

Attention! Please send it in one message. If you will send several messages, I will read only one and additional messages can be missed.
We don't send messages "Got it", "okay", "i'll read it", "we will contact you, please wait" and so on. I will send to you only final message that your appication was accepted or declined. We will not discuss with you about reasons of rejection.

Send private message with an application to @Locative.

► DO NOT send your applications to administrators. They DO NOT consider applications and they will not accept or decline them.
► We have not vacancies for Game Master position.

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