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Ring of Frost - GCD v2

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Name: Ring of Frost

How it should work: If you start casting Ring of Frost and then stop mid-cast, you should be unable to cast another ring for at least 4s.

Date: 29/5/18

Realm: Fun

Priority: 6/10 placing a ring has no repercussions atm since there's no penalty if you miss it, you can instantly start recasting it.

Retail proof:

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/46246974 - 5.4

https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/11224452830#post-5 Jan 2014

https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/15699460753 Dec 2014

https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/16884959003 Dec 2015 - proving this was still a thing even in WoD

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I thought we don't apply retail bugs to pandawow since this was clearly a bug and has been fixed.



If this gets fixed ill report being able to bug the use of gate on retail and that you can use ring while in silence with pom up :))


Okay, make every horrify in the game break on damage, and while you're at it, make grounding totem not being consumable by hunter pet growl and monk provoke.



Of course this should be implemented, the goal is for the server to work as close to blizzlike as possible, meaning 100% how it was back in the day.

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Blizzard also later on fixed grounding totem being incorrectly consumed by some physical abilities like pet growl and monk provoke.


Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.1.0 (2015-02-24): Now protects both party and raid members (up from only party members). Additionally, fixed an issue where Grounding Totem was incorrectly redirecting [Provoke] (monk), [Growl] (hunter pet), and [Defile] (death knight).


That's just how the game worked in 5.4.8, which is what the devs are presumably aiming for. Arguing over it is pointless I feel like.

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So I should make a report for Seal of Insight to affect the lv90 talent row for paladins? Since that's the logical thing, to boost all healing by 5%. Then you, among others, will complain that hpal is not like it was on retail.
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Zeox has stated on multiple ocasions that pwow does not implement retail bugs if you agree with that or not doesn't change that and as i said idm i will just report other things too then which i didn't because of zeox statement


Here don't work [Provoke] (monk) in grounding totem, after report work (now work), too retail bug, but here work after report

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But that isn't a retail bug and was never confirmed one lol


And veynnzy zeox just declined a report 2 weeks ago commenting on it we don't implement retail bugs.

If a retail bug got implemented it was certainly not zeox who approved it...

Edited by Surprize
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You really don’t want to add retail bugs to the game...


Soul Link removed with MC

Totems/Lightwell inside pillare

DK with double Conversion tick

Bugging gateway with novas and powershot


You will ruin the game if this will get fixed.


- - - Updated - - -


Why is mortal coil not breaking on damage on pandawow?


Probably because that was how it should be?

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All I'm saying is that being selective over what retail bugs will be fixed or not is disingenuous and ruins the game's integrity.

As an example, Repitch called Growl consuming Grounding Totem a skillplay, which I agree, but it remains a blizzlike bug that apparently should also be fixed (?) according to zeox.


Also on my old report about this, Deadmouse replied with a MoP Beta clip as his reasoning for declining, not because of "not implementing retail bugs".

I posted more recent footage from 5.4

Edited by Halta
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Preepx said to create this report

preepx is a boosted trashcan


Yo if we apply retail bugs can we please apply this ? https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/13686072071

halta never played retail, he doesnt know the bugs xd

It was fun to actually 100-20% people in the opener with 1 button :)


I swear this was the funniest thing in MOP ... if you fix that, fix the BM bug aswell please, would love to 100-20% kids.


Growl was prob the only reason why hunter didnt suck ballsacks against shaman teams, i don't see a reason to break a class like that.

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I think we should also apply the bug where you were able to do 300k dragonroars as fury with double 1hand sword ... People actually discovered that late S15 sadly .. But i would like to see that in a proper comp :)


While we're at it, i know its WOD but can we apply sapbug aswell ? Nice game mechanic

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preepx is a boosted trashcan


then how he push 3k in 3s? -) in monkls and why minpojke, ziko, etc players played with him on stream? -)

and he played on blizzcon qualifications -)

strange for the garbage can -)

But that's not the point

it's not about the players -)

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then how he push 3k in 3s? -) in monkls and why minpojke, ziko, etc players played with him on stream? -)

and he played on blizzcon qualifications -)

strange for the garbage can -)

But that's not the point

it's not about the players -)

Gj, borugg played qualifiers aswell and wintraded entire MOP/WOD. The competitive scene of this game nowadays is a joke lol



Player behavior is completely different to game/server behavior lol.


that was a "joke" lol


Im serious about the BM hunter bug tho


I swear to god its fun ... you gotta try it. Of course only fun if you are the hunter ... Let me know when Pandawow is applying retail bugs because ive a shitton to report :3


Btw yeah, i remember in s15 people used to play double lock in 3s, dotted everything and just left the arena in order to oneshot everyone :D

*cough* i only heard about this *cough*



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#Arguingaboutwhatisabugandwhatnot #pujo




Noone will be alright with whatever desicion about such bugs will be made. Everything will be a tradeoff regardless of what you like to be fixed or not.


Going by a reasonable state of a mechanic over the timespan of the expansion which is MoP might be a somewhat good guideline to decide if something should be fixed or not.


So correct me if I am wrong but RoF was off GCD at some point in MoP right? If that was the case I'd say it might be more "reasonable" to by a version which has NO GCD.

Edited by Autschbatsch
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