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Dear GM-s

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Nerf all healing done on balance,feral druid + retri pal + ench, elem shaman

this is just so incredible that a dps in pvp toggle the burst macro and get instant full hp

its just insane that these classes heal 270k instant

in a single arena match on 2v2 balance druid always have the same dmg and heal

like 1mill dmg and 860k heal

and not even a single heal casted at all, only instants

same with shamans

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actually druid and hpriest are literally god mod...


Lock affli, Pal ret, Druid balance/feral : are completely broken with their burst, we are simply dead in 3 seconds... pandawow 2018 :D

Guys pls write specific bug report to each bug

1 Create problem spec on Fun

2 Test it by playing

3 Find Bugs

4 Write Bug reports

Rules: How to report a bug


If you 180-320k hp char do not be surprised any spec oneshot you

Edited by Яъъ
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actually druid and hpriest are literally god mod...


Lock affli, Pal ret, Druid balance/feral : are completely broken with their burst, we are simply dead in 3 seconds... pandawow 2018 :D


if u think rdruid is god mode, then you really haven't played 3s or the right comps lol.


they should be a t1 healer, but not on pwow. decent at best.

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actually druid and hpriest are literally god mod...


/cast summon Akuyama


- - - Updated - - -


Guys pls write specific bug report to each bug

1 Create problem spec on Fun

2 Test it by playing

3 Find Bugs

4 Write Bug reports

Rules: How to report a bug


There are basically no people left that want to investigate and put effort into this. FeelsBadMan

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no people left that want to investigate and put effort into this.

More like they don't consider it worth their time anymore.


- - - Добавлено - - -


btw MoP was shit in terms of 1v1 balance, ferals were unkillable 1v1 if played well.

If you look at it from 3v3 pov then it was fine and quite good except for a couple of comps that were outstanding.

So there's nothing to nerf, those classes would be complete shit without that healing cuz they're pretty much burst machines without anything in between cooldowns. That's why they have to have that healing to at least try and live against pure dps classes untill their cds are back up.

I agree it's aids to play against but once you figure out a way to deal with that shit (simply quit the game) everything will be just fine, trusrt me.

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