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General forum rules:



  • Questions to the Administration:
    Don't ask the same question multiple times while creating new topics if you've already been answered. This is equivalent to spam (clause 2.6) and can lead to punishment.
    The administration responds to the first post in the topic (and only to what is asked in it, and not to everything that the author may have had in his head and he meant it, but did not express it in words) and, if the question does not imply discussions with all forum users, closes the topic after the answer, so that other users do not breed flood in it. If the answer has given you new questions, ask them in a new topic or in a personal message, if possible, or if this is a question to a specific person in the administration.
    If the purpose of the topic is to discuss something with other users, get their opinion, create topics in the discussion section of your game realm, and not in the section "questions to the administration".
  • Bug Tracker:
    Publish bug reports only in the bug tracker. In all other sections, such messages will simply be closed if they do not have the necessary information for developers.
    Discussions of everything that does not concern performance and bugs are prohibited in the bug tracker. This section is not for discussions, but for informing developers about real problems (not supposed ones). Spamming messages to raise a topic or discussing the skill and user interface is equivalent to spam (clause 2.6) and can lead to punishment.



Registration and Profile Rules:



1.1. It is forbidden to use as a forum name (=nickname, login), avatar, signature and in the profile description expressions containing:

  • obscene language, obscenities, pornography, erotic, insults
  • numeric nicknames, formulas, coordinates and so on.
  • website addresses, trademarks, names of corporations, firms, etc.
  • e-mail, address, phone number, full names of real people (we will not ask the author if this is his real data or not)
  • the job titles of the forum staff, for example, "Administrator", "Moderator", "Techsup", etc.
  • nicknames of administrators, forum moderators and derivatives of their nicknames, or various avatars with the inscriptions "administrator", "moderator" and their derivatives.
  • quotes from the server administration with the aim of offending, humiliating, trolling or misleading someone with a meaning taken out of context.

1.2. It is forbidden to use in the nickname or anywhere in the profile any names, images or statements related to politics (of any real country or region of the world): names of political parties and names of political figures, political slogans and quotes, photos of political figures, posters of political parties, etc.

Punishment: permanent blocking* of the profile; blocking for up to 5 days and deleting information in the profile in case of a slight violation.



Communication on the forum:



2.1. It is prohibited to slander, spread deliberately false information, edit your own messages in order to distort their original meaning, as well as malicious distortion of the statements of other participants in the discussion.

Punishment: blocking for up to 5 days and deleting the message.


2.2. It is prohibited to use obscene language, rude, including obscene or obscene expressions (including in disguised form) and insults;
messages containing offensive, obscene or pornographic images, videos, etc., as well as links to pages of third-party sites containing similar content.

Punishment: blocking for up to 5 days and deleting the message.


2.3. The publication of personal information is prohibited: information about the private life of any forum users (including the publication of their photos and links to profiles in social networks), as well as information from personal correspondence with them without their consent, including the publication in the public domain of personal messages of administration without prior approval.

Punishment: blocking for up to 7 days and deleting the message.


2.4. Inadequate negative (not corresponding to reality or expressed in a boorish tone and with insults) expressions in relation to the server and the administration:

  • any inadequate (not corresponding to reality) criticism
  • rudeness, trolling, etc. disrespectful attitude.
  • inadequate negative advertising of the server: false messages that do not correspond to reality, containing a negative assessment of the project.

The penalty for this paragraph of the rules is issued at the discretion of the administration itself. Game Masters have the right to classify the violation at their discretion.

Punishment: blocking from 7 days to permanent and deleting the message.


2.5. it is forbidden to mention parents / relatives (of the player or the administration) in a sentence with a negative meaning, their direct insult or a veiled form.

Punishment: blocking for up to 30 days; in a veiled form and in the form of trolling - up to 7 days.


2.6. Spamming:

  • multiple creation of topics/messages with meaningless names and content
  • re-creation of topics/messages with the same questions (question) that have already been answered
  • public discussion of punishments and other actions of the administration, if they have already been discussed earlier, and answers to questions have been received.
  • multiple malicious creation of topics in inappropriate sections
  • spamming with "bumps" in bug tracker

Punishment: blocking for up to 3 days


2.7. Offtop: discussions and individual messages that do not correspond to the essence of the first post of the topic in the main forum section, in support section and in the bug tracker.

Punishment: blocking for up to 3 days


2.8. Excessive formatting of messages to attract attention in sections that are inappropriate for such creativity and for an inappropriate reason (for example, when making bug reports):

  • create messages, signature, and topic headings in UPPERCASE or uppercase and uppercase letters mixed together ("ThIs WaY")
  • excessive highlighting of text in bold, italics, underscores and a different color, font, font size.
  • Post messages with a large number of intentionally distorted words, grammatical mistakes, or abuse any kind of slang, as well as transliterate (Latin).

Punishment: blocking from 1 to 3 days


2.9. Multiaccounts: any activity from secondary (including someone else's) or newly created accounts during the ban of the main account (excluding the appeal sections). A more than 5-fold violation of this rule during the ban of the main account leads to a permanent ban of the main account. Any accounts created before blocking are also multiaccounts and will be permanently banned at the first activity from them.

Punishment: permanent blocking of the profile;


2.10. Advertising, commercial activity:

  • publication of positive reviews about competitive non-partner third-party servers
  • publishing messages calling for switching to another project

Punishment: permanent blocking of the profile;


2.11. Commercial activity:

  • messages about the sale / purchase of any goods (gaming and not only) for real money.
  • advertising of any paid services, including world of warcraft software or any non-game related programs, websites, etc.

Punishment: permanent blocking of the profile;


2.12. Exchange of characters / accounts: publication of messages with offers to exchange characters or project accounts for any game benefits or other characters/ accounts, including from other projects.

Punishment: blocking for up to 14 days


2.13. Abuse of the rating enhancement system: increasing / lowering the reputation of users (Decreasing /increasing) from motives that have a personal coloring (friendship/ dislike), including from multiaccounts or by deliberate collusion with third parties.

Punishment: blocking for up to 1 Month; Nullifying the reputation of the account to which it was illegally raised. In the case of a downgrade, all participants will be blocked for up to 5 days.


2.14. Politics: Religious, anti-religious and any political propaganda and agitation, any political discussions or comments are prohibited on the project.

  • Speeches, any images, quotes, etc. of a political, nationalist, fascist and racist nature are prohibited.
  • Propaganda of violence is prohibited.
  • Insults on political grounds against current political figures (presidents, ministers, deputies, etc.), states, regions, cities, etc. are prohibited. We are not a political forum.

People come to the game to take a break from real life and everything that is happening around. There is no need to promote your beliefs here. We are taking a break from all this here.
Punishment: permanent blocking of the profile;


2.15. Necroposting: bumping of old topics that have lost relevance, which are not closed and for a long time remain without fresh posts in the main section, in support or bug tracker.

Punishment: blocking for up to 3 days


2.16. Propaganda of unfair play:

  • advertising of prohibited third-party programs (cheats, bots, etc.)
  • dissemination of information about the principles of such programs or their discussion
  • publication of download links or third-party resources containing both the programs themselves and/or a description of their actions
  • public dissemination of information about critical bugs/exploits, trade in them

Punishment: blocking from 14 days to permanent




Note that these rules do not describe all possible situations of inappropriate behavior. Administration has the right to restrict the player access to the account if he considers his behavior on servers or forums is unacceptable, regardless of whether it is described in these rules or not. In all cases, the last word goes to Game Masters and Administrators. Remember also that the sanctions imposed on you on the forum (temporary or permanent ban) can also lead to suspension of access to your game accounts and other forum accounts. PandaWoW reserves the right to deprive the player of the right to access the server at any time if he violates these rules (or in the case of another violation not specified in the rules).


If you meet a player who violates these rules, you should report him. Each situation will be considered individually. *The severity of sanctions (the timing of blocking) depends on the specific violation, and not only on what category it falls under. The maximum penalty may be a permanent ban, which is equal to the loss of the account.


The project administration has every right to change the penalty and these rules in general without notifying users about it


Please follow the rules and enjoy the game.

* If you are blocked, you will not be able to visit the forum from this profile.




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