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Overwhelming server DCs


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Hello all,


Is it possible to know who else is having issues with this server?

Every single time I try to enter ANY raid map, ANY scenario map, even specific zones in Pandaria etc.. I get auto-kicked from the game, with no further messages.

No GMs online to find out what's wrong.

The repair method through the website only resets my characters, but won't fix the issue.


What the fck is this shit?


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And then this if u still have errors with english client https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=244106&p=1474792&viewfull=1#post1474792


Understand that it isn't a problem of language.

Textures are broken. Server is laggy. Areas can't be accessed by some, due to insta-dc.

Not to mention some bosses in Pandaria raids are undoable, due to bugs (i.e. Lei Shi).


But thanks for trying.

It'll come down to developers to fix the current issues.

My guildies have been having these issues for 3 weeks, apparently. I guess I was lucky enough to just suffer with this after such long time.

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