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In case you don't use wod models or are using them for some time already and suddenly received the following error upon launching your game,

then You have 2 Options:


1.1. Download https://puu.sh/F76qX/a0f9ac4103.bat or this archive https://puu.sh/F78O6/6e7a3ce893.rar in case you don't receive a download window in the first link.

1.2. Move it in the game folder.

1.3. Run with administrator privileges.


2.1. Redownload the client https://drive.google.com/uc?authuser=0&id=1yeZGR5hHswj0ALNhxC0OaxdVpTPWFGjM&export=download%3Cbr%20/%3E%20https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yeZGR5hHswj0ALNhxC0OaxdVpTPWFGjM

2.2. Follow the instructions in first option so this issue does not occur again after you have re-downloaded the client.


If you are using a foreign version of the client (English, Spanish or some other), then download the file here: https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=244106&page=3&p=1474792&viewfull=1#post1474792


This is a temporary solution, we have to wait until we have a better solution or Blizzard servers manage to start working correctly again.


Credits to Seanone for the torrent links for foreign language clients.

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