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99 problems but a ..... ain't one.

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There have been alot of posts / threads about stuff in gurubashi.

First it was tp hacking then came multiboxing / multilogging after that we had wargame abusing and multilogging.

And now we're back with a new kind of abuse which includes the premium log out function.

Ever since the first the first act of abuse, gurubashi has been dying out. It became less fun to play, less competative.

It stopped from needing some kind of skill and knowledge about your class, to just going on new characters and bursting / running because why 1v1 when u can 1v10 on multiple chars, right?

The premium log out function is ruining world pvp right now and you'll understand why by watching these videos :


As a rogue you can literally log out in the middle of a flare


Mages have their invisibility to log out of any situation (they can use ice block to remove anti-stealth effects


Priests can obviously dispel any anti-stealth effects and use spectral guise to log out


Even classes without a stealth ability, as long as they're a night elf, they can log out


This log out function literally gives immortality to whoever uses it and makes world pvp useless.

No one wants to even fight someone when they'll just log out whenever they're low health or have used their burst abilities.


I've had numerous people come to me with complaints and share the same view point as i and many other players (the ones abusing the hell out of this excluded) and ask me to make a post about this.


On addition to this, which will be the next issue is multilogging.

The players currently abusing this function don't just do it on 1 account either, they're using multiple WITH premium to gain whatever advantage it is over other players.

A long time ago multiboxing was removed due to the fact that it ruined world pvp for anyone out there.

Multilogging is literally the same thing but instead of being attacked by 10 characters at once, you get attacked by 1 player on several characters over and over and over again till you eventually run out of ways to keep yourself alive.

It honestly was a wise decision to remove multiboxing but you shouldn't have stopped there.


Chainz aswell as myself, who are currently the "oldest" players in gurubashi, maybe even on pandawow going back to 2013, strongly disagree on mostly everything and have never really liked each other, already made a post about this:



Alot of people that were in guru that currently stopped playing due to all this stuff going on, want guru back to the way it was before. Where you play on 1 character, on 1 account. And where you fight till the death, you either win or lose. That's how pvp should be.


On top of this gamebreaking function, there are other factors that these people are benefitting from which should also be fixed.

I'm talking about the flare bug surrounding stealth.


If you've actually taken the time to go through all of this, props for you.

Bring gurubashi / world pvp back to what it was. Back to when it was fun. Back to when there were 50+ players in the arena, constantly.


P.S, the only ones that want this to stay and will undoubtetly try to keep this in the game are the people abusing the living hell out of it, ie :




Edited by TheCh0senOne
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80% of people in guru have premeium or play 10 accounts. it's world pvp it's not ment to be competitive. not once did blizzard make a rule about world pvp outside of limiting raids to 40 man. i been on pandawow for 5 years not once did i ask for a custom rule to be put it. i simply adapted to what ever zeox put into place with his team. call it abuse cheating what ever you wanna call it. it's world pvp. if you want rules go do arena. if you can't handle guru stay in stormwind and spectate and fly around on your gladiator mounts. stop beging and crying about custom rules..get over yourselfs. adapt or fall back.
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The people abusing this make wpvp unplayable for the others around them, that made alot of ppls ragequit, you guys losing alot of money (Premium is free) 90% of donater is guru players, they making eveyrone ragequit cuz of that stupid thing lol. You guys better remove it before everyone ragequit. Atlest 10 accounts players make pandawow survive by donating lol. U get 20vote points per days , 30 days of prenium is 600vote points. Ppls can't die in PVP ZONE


+ 1

Edited by Reehzbtw
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I remember back in 2014-2015-2016 when gurubashi was poppin they were like 40 people at the arena with 1 char and we just did raid groups and fight each other,now its like legit the guy that has the most money or chars win's,and everyone is doing the same because like people say its the "meta" no its not ? it's just annoying you have 1 char and you can't do anything against someone that has 20 chars and then the guy kills you and says "ez" but denies any 1v1,that's just so bad,you can't go gurubashi without being killed by 20 chars imagine if the guy with 20 accounts calls his friends with more charsthan him rofl,legit it makes them the game crash because they are too many in the group with their chars,and also like i tought that guru will be great again if they removed the teleporter wich they did but people just found new method to abuse something,yes i myself use the premium and multi account because people do it to me so i had to do it too,but i don't deny any 1v1.


And like chainz said before people had respect each other and like we fought maybe for 1-2 days but after that it was cool and u chill with people etc,now legit you attack for fun someone and u get ganked by focking 45 chars and premium abuse and u can't do anything,u'll just sit graveyard and can't do anything,nobody has any respect now,like i said before,its the guy that has the most chars that wins,simple.

Multiboxing people cried about it and couldn't play yes it ruined pvp but having 20 chars and abusing premium ruins pvp,you come gurubashi you get killed and u sit graveyard yikes..


Anyways i agree to this,bring back the old guru,and also bring back the people that used to play wtf i have such good memories with them af :(

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Ok I don't agree with this either fucking 20 people 4-5 of them are Healers not gonna add that healers are god damn retarded in PVE gear since the Cloack can proc and other Cloacks cannot.

But the logout is stupid so in the end just none dies is either get 4-5 healers and do that for 4hours straight till someone gives up or just buy premium and a few rogues and swap non-stop


That's the thing. All of that will be fixed if they stop allowing multilogging too.

The only reason they have so many is just to survive the 24/7 rogue bursting and relogging.

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Aight boss is here now, i started playin 2014 my accounts are created right after 2013 christmas, so clearly everything people say in this post is truth, in world pvp i found like 3 people who could fight me alone 1on1 and now, some random ass frenchies and other people logs on 15 accounts and eat me up. I aint about to spend milion dollars on that server so i aint doin that.


Change it


The Owner of Guru

Edited by Corazone
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