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Master Pet Taming NPC Missing


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1. Aki the Chosen: https://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=66741/aki-the-chosen


2. The npc apparently doesn't exist ingame, I checked different places from where should be in every version but without success. [ATTACH=CONFIG]139072[/ATTACH]


3. From wow.gamepedia -> Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Relocated from the Summer Fields to Mistfall Village.


4. Tested on 05/02/2021


5. xFun Realm


6. I don't think it's a priority, but it's the last npc in a long chain quest and also necessary for achieve the title "Tamer". 5 out of 10.

По битвам питомцев все наставники есть. Все нужные для квестов питомцы есть. Отсутствуют только 6 питомцев для ачивы "Сафари...."
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