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Access Pandaria before 85!


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Hello, I'm a long time player from the server who has spent hundreds of USD here, and I'm wondering why we can't access pandaria before 85 by mage portal or summoning stone or warlock summon. I have also played on other MoP private servers and you could get there from level 1 (Which is how it was in retail). We have a large twink guild that enjoys world pvp and we want to start twinking level 80's and doing world pvp in pandaria but we cannot do this because you have scripted it to where you MUST be level 85 AND complete the intro quest chain in order to get into pandaria. If you remove the level requirement and let ALL players access mist of pandaria it would benefit everyone since they can set there hearthstone's there and use the portals upstairs to go to there desired locations. Overall I think it would be a positive addition to the server and be a great quality of life change! Thank you for your time!
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