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Hunter T15 2P Bonus


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The T15 2P Bonus for hunters is currently buged. What it should do is "Your Steady Shot and Cobra Shot have a chance to summon a Thunderhawk to fight you for the next 10 sec." at the moment it just summons down the Thunderhawk and it goes to the target and melees it. How it should work: "The Hunter 2T15 bonus is a chance to summon a Thunderhawk. That Thunderhawk will assist you, and will always cast 5x Lightning Bolts for 16k to 24k Nature damage. Its damage will scale with BM mastery, and will not scale with Survival mastery. However, the proc chances (which are Real PPM) vary by spec: 0.7/min for BM, 1/min for MM, 1.2/min for Surv." Source https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=138365/item-hunter-t15-2p-bonus#comments
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