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Hunter, Pet Assist


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Hello. I've encountered something that hasn't happend much before lately. When you attack your pet start to assist but won't switch off your first target until its dead. I've made a video as an example. It's very frustrating and makes Beast mastery unplayable. Hope you can find a solution as this used to work fine. Thanks =)

Character: Bleyart

Realm: Pandawow FUN

Time: 2021-10-24 17.55

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  • Technical Support

Hello, write in game chat this: /script PetAbandon ();

(pet settings will be reset).


If this does not help, then please write the name of the pet that is on the video and the specialization of the hunter, so that I can move your topic to the BugTracker.

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Hello, write in game chat this: /script PetAbandon ();

(pet settings will be reset).


If this does not help, then please write the name of the pet that is on the video and the specialization of the hunter, so that I can move your topic to the BugTracker.


I did as you said. The command just abandoned the pet but didnt help. Switched pets, specilization. It happens on both Beast Mastery and Marksmanship specialization. I have two hunters and both have the same thing(survival on my other toon).

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Glyph of Camoflague, Glyph of Disengage, Glyph of spirit bond, Glyph of Stampede, Glyph of revive pet, Glyph of aspects. But as I stated before it happens on every spec. It happens on my second Character aswell which is survival spec with a spider pet. It does correct when I start attack someone. It's when I switch targets it doesn't follow what I do. It keeps attacking my First target.
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Glyph of Camoflague, Glyph of Disengage, Glyph of spirit bond, Glyph of Stampede, Glyph of revive pet, Glyph of aspects. But as I stated before it happens on every spec. It happens on my second Character aswell which is survival spec with a spider pet. It does correct when I start attack someone. It's when I switch targets it doesn't follow what I do. It keeps attacking my First target.

Glyphs with such names do not exist in Pandaria.


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You can send a screenshot with the glyphs in order to understand from the pictures which glyphs are used

example https://ibb.co/Y8mC2tY


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Maybe in macros it is written to attack the previous target, you can try to attack without macros

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Done some further testing. Removing Glyphs wont change it from happening. This is the glyph SC: https://gyazo.com/105df7433d2dc726478d8a44db69f889

I also deleted cache folder in WOW and swapped pets and spec. I can manually switch target with the "Attack(PET)" Command on the actionbar. I've ran without the macro and it doesnt change. The macro was an test to see if I can include the "Attack (pet)" Command in the kill command macro. But It didn't work so I've removed it for further testing.

EDIT: I created an new hunter and the same thing occured. The pet won't change target as I switch target.

Edited by haloea992
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