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wargame bug


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1. Name of bugged spell / quest / npc etc: 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 wargames

2. Description of problem: You can not fight specific character with command ".wargame #playername" or by targeting the character and simply use the .wargame command on character. Same bug appears at 2v2 wargame bracket. In all cases you get the message "Your war game invitation has been declined".

Proofs for 1v1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC_tmGjsQKM

Proofs for 2v2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql7zuLhEGPc

3. How it should work: You should be able to queue for 2s wargame and fight the specific opponent you wish with .wargame #playername command at 1s bracket.

4. Date: The issue was reported to me at 2:23 A.M. server time -- 29/9/2022

5. Realm., on which one you got issue: All realms.

6. Priority of problem.(1-10): 7/10


P.S. At the moment players are able to queue for 1v1 by using the command ".wargame queue" but it's not guaranteed if they will fight the specific character they want, in case someone else is in queue.

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