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Snapshotting bugs on dk

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Posted (edited)

1. Gargole (https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/spell=49206/summon-gargoyle) and Soul reaper (https://www.wowhead.com/spell=343294/soul-reaper)

2. they both aren't being snapshotted like other DOTs (gargole used to be snapshotting years ago, for some reason it doesn't anymore and its garbage because it lasts 30s and the procs last 15 to 20 seconds it makes no sense at all right now)

3. they both should snapshot your stats when you cast those habilities

4. fun/cross realm (maybe x5 too)

5. 10/10 gargole doing proper damage is very important for dk, soul reaper too but not that much


the gargole snapshotting mechanic is explained everywhere if u look for it, here the first examples i found explaining it:


"Snapshotting is a mechanic where an effect take a "snapshot" of your character's current stat and use that for damage calculation for its duration, even if your character gain or lose stats.


For Unholy DK, the Gargoyle does this. It means by stacking all your buffs/pots/raids buffs before popping it, you get a Gargoyle (that scales very well off these buffs) that's doing damage as if you had all those buffs the entire time for its entire duration."



"let’s take a quick look at how the Gargoyle currently functions.


Currently, a Gargoyle inherits the Haste and Attack Power stats from the Death Knight controlling it. One of the things that makes the Gargoyle particularly strong is that, for its entire duration, the Summon Gargoyle spell uses whatever Haste and Attack Power values the Death Knight has at the instant it’s cast. This is referred to as “snapshotting”

Edited by warlockenjoyer
adding proof that in retail it has always been snapshotting till 2023
It's a lie. All pets in pandaria have a dynamic stats.
gargole was working in a snapshot manner when i played in this server before because it is how its supposed to be, i bet some group of dk haters reported it and got it alterated and now we got this dynamic shit on gargole that doesnt make any sense due to gargole duration itself, it's damage is good for 10 seconds and then its absolute garbage once procs wear off, it makes it pretty damn bad
gargole was working in a snapshot manner when i played in this server before because it is how its supposed to be' date=' i bet some group of dk haters reported it and got it alterated and now we got this dynamic shit on gargole that doesnt make any sense due to gargole duration itself, it's damage is good for 10 seconds and then its absolute garbage once procs wear off, it makes it pretty damn bad[/quote']

If it worked like this - DK would be rank 1 melee and I would not play a warrior.

no one pets in the game snapshot stats


If the gargoyle snapshot, the rest of the pets should too. But it doesn't work that way.


All summons in the game have dynamic dots

you are a liar and a bullshitter, everywhere on internet gargole snapshots except in pandawow, even it used to snapshot before in pandawow, go do some research dude i added some proof that in retail it always snapshotted the dk stats when summoned.. same problem with warlock rain of fire stacking, it stacks in retail and it used to stack here too but some idiots complained too much about it and got it alterated/nerfed and now it does no dmg at all, ill also try to get that fixed to work as it worked/works in retail.. i now wonder how many random nerfs some classes got in this server due to some noobs complaining too much about a mechanic that was working as intended..


How can you explain this? https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/8RZtz2p6vbNFknBJ#fight=36&type=damage-done&source=68&ability=51963&view=events


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By Aggrend on 2023/01/06 at 1:15 AM (Patch 10.0.2)

Nice proofs btw

How can you explain this? https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/8RZtz2p6vbNFknBJ#fight=36&type=damage-done&source=68&ability=51963&view=events


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Nice proofs btw


did a google search and posted the first 2 links in the search, gargole has been snapshotting since dk appeared in woltk and remained the same until the most recente xpansion dragonflight which is 10.0._

did a google search and posted the first 2 links in the search, gargole has been snapshotting since dk appeared in woltk and remained the same until the most recente xpansion dragonflight which is 10.0._


Bruh, but I literally posted a link to retail udk's logs and its shows that u're wrong


Does it looks the same for you? And it's still the same gargoyle summon

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in the first red square some buffs already disappeared (enginering gloves and https://www.wowhead.com/spell=146245/outrage and the gargole damage remained the same for 4 hits even tho already had 2 less buffs, why is that?


and on the 2nd red square once the https://www.wowhead.com/spell=146250/determination buff disappeared it kept doing the same dmg for like 3 hits, why the dmg remains the same for a bunch of hits even tho the buffs are already gone?


idk what am i looking at in that site you posted, it doesnt make any sense that it keeps the same dmg for 3-4 hits even tho some key buffs are gone and then randomly it goes down after 4 hits remaining the same, it should either go down once procs wear off (maybe 1 extra hit with same dmg) or not go down at all, not a mix of the two like is being showed there?


- - - Updated - - -


maybe the boss had a dmg mitigation feature mid gargole attack and thats why shows less dmg on some hits? if you were right the dmg would drop as soon as procs drop, not several hits afterwards

Posted (edited)
why shows less dmg on some hits?

blows of a gargoyle - magic. Armor doesn't affect this.


+ damage spread

Edited by Sqeer
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