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Greetings people,
Been hearing a lot about Panda wow even though I stopped playing it , I decided to randomly open the website and here comes a shock that I got banned for a situation happened before I quit.
About the ban: https://gyazo.com/a62a69fd55f1f62bbf4b696edd6b0fff
, a friend of me messaged me about that the GM being harsh toward him because of a character i SOLD and they started telling him that i scammed him, when i didnt because i sold him a character that an old ,,friend" GAVE it to me,
Proof: https://gyazo.com/0a0a3bf1423da1ff8b2170fe0c059c38
So as you see in this screenshot the person called Cailla gave me the whole account and since then i haven't seen her playing it even tho i was begging her to use the account no matter what , but she dont and i just kept using the account normally for almost a year, but then she suddenly appeared and decided to report about her character when i sold it and the GMs without even questioning me neither going on a deep discussion with her about the situation to confirm stuff, they just went straight to ban claim back the character and ban me and charge me points so i get perma banned if i dont pay back the price they put OUT OF NO WHERE: https://gyazo.com/a62a69fd55f1f62bbf4b696edd6b0fff
I'm actually confused is that how you guys dealing with every situation ? not caring at all what's the other person story and just straight banning careless ? or it's just a person treatement with me only ? its not the first time happens neither second neither third so let me know what's the exact issue and where is my mistake selling a character i own (BY OWNER WORDS) and why would i be charged points that gonna get me perma banned even tho my account is suspended already.

Character name: Ertus

Posted (edited)

Владелец аккаунта, только создатель аккаунта если шо


Всё, что получено/добыто/задоначено будет являться собственностью создателя аккаунта, в независимости кто это сделал. Даже, если Вы купили аккаунт, владелец аккаунт может в любое время написать жалобу о пропаже аккаунта/вещей/персонажа и восстановить, а Вы останетесь ни с чем.



Edited by OnexShot

You got me wrong, i'm not applying to get the character back , im more of trying to understand the situation and WHY i get banned for something is not even my mistake, look at the screenshot the person it self telling me that the account is MINE now and i own it, but then i get banned and charged with points for selling it ? is that a joke ? also please write in English if possible


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