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Achievements error in guild news.


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On wednesday I topped up $25 and I bought something in game shop. After I bought the Tailor 600 then I got forced logged out from the game. I saw my achievements showed on guild news before I got forced logged out. After I logged back in my new achievements wouldn't show on guild news anymore. Even in the chat window, it doesn't show my achievements announced in guild anymore (Which the announcements should be in green word). I thought it was lagging. However, 2 days later it still doesn't came back, but other players in guild could see my achievements announced normally. Only I can't see them. Also I found out all my other characters achievements won't announce in the guild news. Same problems.


The following screenshot will show that there's no green word that announce my achievements in guild and no news shows my new achievements.


How do I fix this error? Please!!!





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