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[Warrior] Bladestorm


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First about the Bladestorm Bugs

1. Bladestorm can be disarmed while chanelling. It doesnt interrupt the Bladestorm tho but it deals way lower damage

2. Bladestorm does NOT remove CC-s like deep freeze when using the CC delay system. (i'll talk about this more below)





Priority : 10/7 Bladestorm is broken like this but still usable

CC Delay:

Priority : 10/5 But it is really something

Recorded / Tested on 02-11-2014

Edited by Кукла
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  • 2 weeks later...
So bladestorm should remove stuns? Can anyone give more proofs from official server with any kinds of stuns? Deep freeze has "stun" mechanic, that's why i am interested.


it should not remove stuns .. but if its used after like 0.4 seconds or so .. it should remove it .. thats how CC delay works

this is the video i posted before .. its from Retail RagnarosEU you can check armory if you dont believe me



so basically the deep freeze and stuns work like this : lets say a mage uses deep freeze ... you get the debuff but not yet the stun .. you recieve the stun effect aftter 0.5 sec or so ... this is how CC delay works ... this is how rogues can stun themselves at the same time or sap or this is how they can Vanish cc-s and also warriors bladestorm cc-s

IF a rogue sees a cc on him he can vanish it just like warriors can bladestorm, it if its used in 0.5 sec or so


- - - Updated - - -


if look in 0.25 of normal speed,we can see that first on mage appears some green buff, then deep freeze falls off, and war use bladestorm.

seems like a fake


btw you should delete your life .. that buff is http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=112965 used to deep freeze me ... why cant you just accept that you are talking shit on all my topics ? did i do something bad to you ? even if i did i dont care but you should stop making retarded comments on my topics


and that green buff is a trinket .. thats why i zoomed on the second part only ... you should check the whole video

Edited by Dryanus
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