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[Warrior] Charge Pathing


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  • http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100 (and related abilities) should now correctly path to a target even if the target moves during the Charge. This change should decrease the likelihood of the warrior Charging to a different location than the target.

So basically This is how it should work:



Example : A mage Blinks the moment you used charge , it should rush to the place where the mage blinked NOT to where he used blink

Priority 10/8

Realm: All

Tested : Every Day

Edited by Dryanus
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take this report as nothing . It does not charge on blink / portals but it is corrected more on "jumps" and other smaller things (on pandawow when people jump charge , they fall to the ground correctly but the charge ends before reaching the target since Charge stun has a bit of delay . and if you are slowed you wont get to your target in that 1.5 sec stun)

The Blink part does happen 3/10 times on blink as well but i dont know if blizzard implemended it on purpouse .

The portal is retarded , my bad on that one


PS. i cant make video now since my friend who is supposed to help me test bugs went overboard for 3 days


And also here on Pandawow ,is pretty buged and it is abusable : if the mage blinks and he does not circle around or move . ppl wont be able to hit the mage and warriors have to wait for the mage to move otherwise they wont be able to charge him

i will make a video about this soon in a different bug report . maybe that's the thing why the charge on blink doesnt work

Edited by Dryanus
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