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few warlock bugs


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ok so I've been testing out warlocks in the fun realm to check if the spells are working properly and I've found few of them that need a fix:


ember tap: heals for a percentage of current HP instead of max hp as it should always be (ember tap should always heal for a percentage of max hp and not any other hp)


dark regeneration: same bug it heals for a percentage of current hp and no max hp so the heals are rather low when used at low hp state which is the most common usage for this spell also doesn't increase the healing received by the warlock by 25% for the duration of the spell as it should.


glyph of demon training: doesn't work with succubus (seduction doesn't remove the magical dots from the target as it should)


blood horror: only works if the target is immolated and not having a dr on a stun (should work without any connection to being immolated or after a stun upong receiving a melee hit)


demonic gateway:the 2ed gateway is summoned and then disapprear and unless summoned ona short distance and even then the gates are just sitting there not doing anything and not allowing the warlock to teleport from one to another.


the talent archimonde's darkness: the talent is broken and doesn't give dark soul 2 charged instead of 1 .


aftermath: should allow rain of fire to generate burning embers upong hit but doesn't work rain of fire just deals dmg but doesn't generate the embers.


by the way just incase you were wondering ember tap heals and darg regeneration heals shouldn't be affected by battle fatigue heal reduction since both of those heals are based on percentage of max hp and this kind of heals shouldn't be effected by that so this might be the real problem.


blood horror link: http://db.pandawow.me?spell=111397

dark regeneration link: http://db.pandawow.me?spell=108359

ember tap link: http://db.pandawow.me?spell=114635

demonic gateway link: http://db.pandawow.me?spell=111771

glyph of demon training link : http://db.pandawow.me?item=42460

archimonde's darkness link: http://db.pandawow.me?spell=108505

aftermath link: http://db.pandawow.me?spell=109784


on priority of fixing I'd say the demonic gateway can wait it's not that important for gameplay this patch but the other 5 are major abilities of the warlock for both pve and pvp this kinda messes up the gameplay by a lot so other then gateway the rest needs a fix as soon as possible from my experience with warlocks you can't play the class without these abilities

Edited by toxilock
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