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when i start my launcher then type my info then press login it shows me a page which i can choost region like development only + role playing or PVP and 2 more then i press suggest realm then a window pops up but i cant see any realm in it! can you please help me? sorry for my bad english

If you want update:


1. Delete or move (backup) your currently launcher and the WTF folder in somewhere out of the WoW folder.

2. Download the client 5.4.2 here: main / mirrow

3. Extract all files into the WoW folder.

4. If you are a english speaker go to the WTF folder and with any text editor (Wordpad for example) edit the config.wtf file, changing ruRU for enUS and then save it.

5. Run the Pandawow.exe and enjoy the game.




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