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Shrinking/Turning Invisible


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I shrink/turn invisible on my undead character (level 72 (to be higher when played) when I dismount from a mount or land from a flight path. I have made a new character to see if it does it on there and it does not. What is wrong? I repaired my character and reinstalled my game thinking it was a game problem but it's not. It don't happen on other characters but this character (and this character is my main) please help, Thanks for reading :)
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1)firstly visiting a panda wow site - http://pandawow.ru/en/index.html

2)then tap to control panel

3)write your password and login and checking code

4)choose your realm

5)look at right panel and find Repair character

6)choose your character for repair.

7)You must exit with Wow


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Arecta, repair character help you?

Edited by Тристан
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