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A multilanguage players support and new version of a control panel.[spoiler=A multilanguage players support and new version of a control panel.][spoiler=Что исправлено]A multilanguage players support and new version of a control panel.


From today, we are expanding our language arsenal for players support on PandaWoW and we are releasing a new version of the control panel.


Let's start from the multilanguage players support on the site and in the game:


The implemented English version:


The site: http://pandawow.ru/en/index.html

The forum: http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdispla...f=162&langid=1 (you can change the forum language in the bottom).

The control panel: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/signin.html


Very soon, we will release the Spanish version with all resources. Also we are searching for a person who knows German language perfectly, if you know it and you want to help us, you need to write a private message to administrator (Zeox/Juster) on the forum.


We have implemented locales for the quests, npc names, objects, items, items. Many game texts are now on English, Spanish, French and German languages, of course there can sometimes be problems with translations, but the sum localization is good for comfortable playing on native language.


Also, we need people for international technical support, if you know perfectly at least one of the above languages, write to this topic:


Now let's talk about changes in the control panel, except the english version, we have implemented:


- Now you can buy any item to any account as a gift (after you select needed item, you will have a choice, buy for yourself or for a present).

- Added many countries, for buying bonuses via SMS and for binding phone number for the account.

- Added cheaper price for all countries for bindingthe phone.

- Now when you are buying character in control panel our system is checking your IP, if buyer and seller have the same IP, character can't be bought.

- Code in the control panel is optimized, now it should be faster.


If you know WoW resources on english, where we could buy advertise for our server, please, write private message to the administrators.


* To correctly display the site and control panel after the updates, we recommend you to clean your browser cache.


[spoiler=Исправленный текст]A multilanguage players support and new version of a control panel.


From today, we are expanding our language arsenal for players support on PandaWoW and we are releasing a new version of the control panel.


Let's start from the multilanguage players support on the site and in the game:


The implemented English version:


The site: http://pandawow.ru/en/index.html

The forum: http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdispla...f=162&langid=1 (you can change the forum language in the bottom).

The control panel: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/signin.html


Very soon, we will release the Spanish version with all resources. Also we are searching for a person who knows German language perfectly, if you know it and you want to help us, you need to write a private message to administrator (Zeox/Juster) on the forum.


We have implemented locales for the quests, npc names, objects, items, items. Many game texts are now on English, Spanish, French and German languages, of course there can sometimes be problems with translations, but the sum localization is good for comfortable playing on native language.


Also, we need people for international technical support, if you know perfectly at least one of the above languages, write to this topic:


Now let's talk about changes in the control panel, except the english version, we have implemented:


- Now you can buy any item to any account as a gift (after you select needed item, you will have a choice, buy for yourself or for a present).

- Added many countries, for buying bonuses via SMS and for binding phone number for the account.

- Added cheaper price for all countries for binding the phone.

- Now when you are buying character in control panel our system is checking your IP, if buyer and seller have the same IP, character can't be bought.

- Code in the control panel is optimized, now it should be faster.


If you know WoW resources on english, where we could buy advertise for our server, please, write private message to the administrators.


* To correctly display the site and control panel after the updates, we recommend you to clean your browser cache.




Welcome to PandaWoW International forums.[spoiler=Welcome to PandaWoW International forums.][spoiler=Что исправлено]Today, we created subsections of the forum in English, the English version of the site and the control panel - it's the first step on the way to the full support for English audience of our project.


At this week we are going to release a version of the site and the control panel on the Spanish language, a translation of useful information and articles on English and Spanish languages.


[spoiler=Исправленный текст]Today, we created subsections of the forum in English, the English version of the site and the control panel - it's the first step on the way to the full support for English audience of our project.


At this week we are going to release a version of the site and the control panel on the Spanish language, a translation of useful information and articles on English and Spanish languages.



About PandaWoW

[spoiler=About PandaWoW][spoiler=Что исправлено]Server PandaWoW - the first free russian server of World of Warcraft:Mists of Pandaria (5.0.5 and 5.4.2).

Project history.

After 6 months of hardworking, our developers command could show to the whole world what we had done.

Testing period contained 2 parts:



After all tests we were ready to open the first realm.

PandaWoW x100 - the first completely free realm. On the opening we had started shares for players and thework on yours bug reports to improve our server.

PandaWoW x5 - the second realm on the project. On the opening we had started shares for players and thework on yours bug reports to improve our server.

PandaWoW FUN - the third realm on the project. You can read more informationin this topic. You can offer something new for this realm anytime.

At the moment administration of the project is preparing for opening PandaWoW x1. We need to make a lot of fixes and implement them in the game world, so that the players do'nt have problems with PVE part of the game. Bug tracker was created for your reports.

[spoiler=Исправленный текст]Server PandaWoW - the first free russian server of World of Warcraft:Mists of Pandaria (5.0.5 and 5.4.2).

Project history.

After 6 months of hardworking, our developers command could show to the whole world what we had done.

Testing period contained 2 parts:



After all tests we were ready to open the first realm.

PandaWoW x100 - the first completely free realm. On the opening we had started shares for players and thework on yours bug reports to improve our server.

PandaWoW x5 - the second realm on the project. On the opening we had started shares for players and thework on yours bug reports to improve our server.

PandaWoW FUN - the third realm on the project. You can read more informationin this topic. You can offer something new for this realm anytime.

At the moment administration of the project is preparing for opening PandaWoW x1. We need to make a lot of fixes and implement them in the game world, so that the players do'nt have problems with PVE part of the game. Bug tracker was created for your reports.




How to start play. Instructions.[spoiler=How to start play. Instructions.][spoiler=Что исправлено]How to start playing:


Requirements for the client:


Recommended to download the full client 5.4.2-5.4.7 from the official server link https://eu.battle.net/account/download/?show=wow, or just run World of Warcraft Launcher.exe from the game folder and update to the latest version.


You can also leave the current client 5.0.5 or any other version 5.x , and just need to download our launcher PandaWoW.exe and config.wtf for 5.4.2 (link and instructions for connecting below), the client will be updated as the game progresses.


If you have a slow internet connection, you can download our launcher PandaWoW.exe and config.wtf for 5.4.2 (link and connection instructions below) and run it in a new folder, all data will be downloaded as the game progresses.


Connection guide:


- Download launcher and config file from this link: main/mirror.

- If you need other languages neither the Russianlocales for a client, download the new config file with the locale language you need: Spain, Germany, France, English, and replace the previous dowloaded config.wtf file.

- Extract files from the archive, including the replacement of a folder with the previously downloaded game, if the client is not present, an empty folder.

- If you do not have game account, register it.

- After that, you should run the client with the previously downloaded and extracted from the archive and PandaWoW.exe start the game if you do not have a client, you should wait for 1 to 10 minutes, until the necessary data is loaded and the first entry in the game can take up to 10 minutes.


[spoiler=Исправленный текст]How to start playing:


Requirements for the client:


Recommended to download the full client 5.4.2-5.4.7 from the official server link https://eu.battle.net/account/download/?show=wow, or just run World of Warcraft Launcher.exe from the game folder and update to the latest version.


You can also leave the current client 5.0.5 or any other version 5.x , and just need to download our launcher PandaWoW.exe and config.wtf for 5.4.2 (link and instructions for connecting below), the client will be updated as the game progresses.


If you have a slow internet connection, you can download our launcher PandaWoW.exe and config.wtf for 5.4.2 (link and connection instructions below) and run it in a new folder, all data will be downloaded as the game progresses.


Connection guide:


- Download launcher and config file from this link: main/mirror.

- If you need other languages neither the Russianlocales for a client, download the new config file with the locale language you need: Spain, Germany, France, English, and replace the previous dowloaded config.wtf file.

- Extract files from the archive, including the replacement of a folder with the previously downloaded game, if the client is not present, an empty folder.

- If you do not have game account, register it.

- After that, you should run the client with the previously downloaded and extracted from the archive and PandaWoW.exe start the game if you do not have a client, you should wait for 1 to 10 minutes, until the necessary data is loaded and the first entry in the game can take up to 10 minutes.




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Edited by Принцесса Зла
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