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Deep Wounds warrior

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1.Deep Wounds

2.good, I come to report this spell as I see it has a very exaggerated damage for a spell damage per second, the image you can see the spell "deep wounds" made ​​up of over 30000 damage. when other spells such as "censure" the paladin, as another example "Moonfire / Sunfire" Druid equilibrium where their dps is much lower spell mentioned. image also can be seen as the warrior, only applies "deep wounds" and the damage to it than your other spells






6. 10/10

which means that the damage to show in the images is correct damage including the 70% Resilience basic ?


well .. on retail with my full grievous warrior i did 50k on a full grievous mage(my partner) ... he was laughing so hard :D

but yes it is correct .. the warrior had like 48% pvp power probably .. and that makes 24 % pvp resilience

Posted (edited)
which means that the damage to show in the images is correct damage including the 70% Resilience basic ?


i think is base 72% for this patch btw.

and also resil. work in different way.

resil damage reduction formula is: enemy damage x his talents x his pvp power and after your / resil / damage reduction spells or talents.

also remember that bleeds (Deep Wounds too) are busted by ap ratio +198% attack power, are physical damage (busted furthermore with some debuffs on you)

if you want to know more read here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6490579264

also wowhead have some comments:

"The damage of this ability was buffed by 65% in Patch 5.4, and it really really hurts now. o_x"

source: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115767#comments

Edited by durham
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Guys it calculate 198% of the attack power. + the main weapon damage source. that's why it does hurt. Try to use for example Shadowmourne a lvl 80 wep and you see that deal 5k from bleedings and 20k from rits
Posted (edited)
well guys sorry but it's not working well...check wowhead (5.4) http://db.pandawow.me?spell=115767#comments you don't have to accumulate the weapon dmg, just your attack power which is truly, 60k / 15 sec BUT ... there is the -70% dmg from resilience :) sorry but as i see this dot is going through resilience...while it shouldn't...


MoP Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Damage has been increased by 65%.

Hotfix (2013-03-12): "Deep Wounds now deals 50% more damage for Protection Warriors."

MoP Patch 5.2.0 (2013-03-05): Damage has been increased by 100% for Arms Warriors.

Hotfix (2012-10-01): "Deep Wounds now does 50% less damage for Protection warriors only."

MoP Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Now available to all warriors at level 32. Procs off Mortal Strike, Bloodthirst, and Devastate hits, instead of all crits. Duration increased from 6 to 15 seconds. Damage is now a flat amount rather than a percentage of the triggering hit.


source: http://wowpedia.org/Deep_Wounds


i have in full burst +49k ap and with enrage 10% more damage + 6% more damage from rude glyph + physical vulnerability debuf 4% more damage + avatar 20% more damage + 43% more damage from pvp power - also take in consideration you are in bg and there are bufs like + b.zerg buff 30% more damage (all this are like +113 % more damage)


you do the math and you will find out that your 75% damage reduction from resil will do nothing, is like you don't have it when a warrior burst you. so next time when you see that angry warrior come for you run / los / buble. and stop posting crap on forum pls. if you dont have a clue about warrior.

half of warrior talents , glyphs and core spells are not working ok right now...just w8 for a fix we talk after.

Edited by durham
Posted (edited)
so, against warriors there is no resilience xD ... okay! ... and still there are people who's crying about how useless warrior is in 5.4 without the bugged bloodbath talent...and sorry, but what i'm trying to tell you is that, my enhancement shaman can hit 13k with elemental blast... (full mastery, full tyrannical) ... 13k...what is 1 tick from your deep wounds dot, which is automatically applied when you hit with some of your basic abilites. the enhancement set bonus is bugged, the windfury part of unleash fury is bugged --- and while i have bugs like this i feel a little bit angry when a 420k hp warrior is laughing at me at battleground because i had to use my full cd to kill him in 1v1... oh and one last thing...we're not getting 30k deep wounds crits when the warrior used avatar and other cooldowns...it's just a simple crit from that dot... ---- (sorry for this whole thing, i don't want arguments, warrior is working it's true --- but other classes are bugged and they still didn't fixed them...they're never going to fix them... bb all, gg warriors, have a nice day/night) Edited by Fatgly
Posted (edited)
so, against warriors there is no resilience xD ... okay! ... and still there are people who's crying about how useless warrior is in 5.4 without the bugged bloodbath talent...and sorry, but what i'm trying to tell you is that, my enhancement shaman can hit 13k with elemental blast... (full mastery, full tyrannical) ... 13k...what is 1 tick from your deep wounds dot, which is automatically applied when you hit with some of your basic abilites. the enhancement set bonus is bugged, the windfury part of unleash fury is bugged --- and while i have bugs like this i feel a little bit angry when a 420k hp warrior is laughing at me at battleground because i had to use my full cd to kill him in 1v1... oh and one last thing...we're not getting 30k deep wounds crits when the warrior used avatar and other cooldowns...it's just a simple crit from that dot... ---- (sorry for this whole thing, i don't want arguments, warrior is working it's true --- but other classes are bugged and they still didn't fixed them...they're never going to fix them... bb all, gg warriors, have a nice day/night)


maybe u don't know how to play enha.shamy. or maybe you don't know how to burst. i face some shamans in arena who rape me literally with their burst and damage.

and according to my calculations warrior class damage is wrong:

-cs hits harder than ms (cs weapon damage 175% - ms weapon damage 215%) - negative bug (bug reported)

-slam damage is lower than 275% weapon damage - negative bug (more tests here)

-cs debuf 10% more slam damage for 6 sec don't work - negative bug (i will post this soon)

-spell reflect don't work sometimes for some spells - negative bug (more test here)

-talents like bloodbath / shockwave / stormbolt don't work like they should - negative bug

-mastery dont work 100% right (never ever saw a proc from melee abilities) - negative bug

-some important pvp glyphs don't work (and im not talking here about crap visual minors) - negative bug

-expertise / hit bug (i made a bug report and nothing after 2 weeks) negative bug for all melee classes (target dodge like a fuking boss - even casters dodge in arena and i have 7.8% expertise)

-set bonus+heroic leap give 1 sec speed not 3 - negative bug

-execute damage lower than retail (that 255% attack power bonus is lower) - negative bug


i know that server is at start with this patch and if we don't post bugs we don't have a fix, so all we have to do now is have patience and post bugs. till than good luck.

Edited by durham
so, against warriors there is no resilience xD ... okay! ... and still there are people who's crying about how useless warrior is in 5.4 without the bugged bloodbath talent...and sorry, but what i'm trying to tell you is that, my enhancement shaman can hit 13k with elemental blast... (full mastery, full tyrannical) ... 13k...what is 1 tick from your deep wounds dot, which is automatically applied when you hit with some of your basic abilites. the enhancement set bonus is bugged, the windfury part of unleash fury is bugged --- and while i have bugs like this i feel a little bit angry when a 420k hp warrior is laughing at me at battleground because i had to use my full cd to kill him in 1v1... oh and one last thing...we're not getting 30k deep wounds crits when the warrior used avatar and other cooldowns...it's just a simple crit from that dot... ---- (sorry for this whole thing, i don't want arguments, warrior is working it's true --- but other classes are bugged and they still didn't fixed them...they're never going to fix them... bb all, gg warriors, have a nice day/night)

oh come on...

its bullshit.

close thread

Posted (edited)

man i told you i can kill my enemies xD i think i know how to play enha shaman i just said that it has a lot of important bugs...it's not my mistake if my elemental blast does not benefit from my mastery and from the unleash flame buff :D i can kill my enemies with my working spells XD so please stop these "maybe u don't know how to play enha shamy" ... all i said is that check videos...enhancement shaman crits 149k with elemental blast with full mastery...i have full mastery as well and i crit 30k with that spell because it's not getting the buff from Enhancement Shaman mastery "Enhanced Elements" - which increases all spell damage done by me. - AND it's not benefit from the Unleash Flame buff - which gives +30% dmg...so ask other enhancement shamans :D , yes they can burst you down, even i can burst enemies with Enhancement Shaman but i would have EVEN MORE burst if one of my main attacking spells - Elemental Blast - would work well :D please ask other enhancement shamans about Elemental Blast if you don't believe me...so please i even said "i don't want arguments" so...stop saying things like this .... "maybe u don't know how to play enha shamy"


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OR next time... when i see a post about a bugged warrior talent..and he cries "omg warrior is useless in 5.4 without this talent" - well ..... "omg maybe you just don't know how to play warrior well or you don't know how to burst" :D

Edited by Fatgly
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