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[PVP][Warrior] Arena guide


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Hello everyone. Let me warn you. This guide is not for the sensitive of heart. This guide is for real men who play WARRIOR on pandawow.ru (and cover what is working atm on server)

Here I teach you how to make your warrior the manliest man in the arena/bg

Your goal in arena is to do damage, keep pressure and force cd's on your enemy. Enemies will cower before your testosterone-fueled charge. Noobs will tremble in your shadow and throw themselves at your mercy – which you will not give.

Do you play a female character? Too bad. After you read this guide she will grow a mustache and her children will become gladiators.

This guide is made for players who pass the beginning stage of gameplay (pvp/arena)

i don't say that this is the only way you can play your warrior (is the way that I like to play my warrior) so if you like this is ok and if you don't agree with my style just move forward and don't read this guide.




Unfortunately, Blizzard became so scared of the warrior paintrain that after the year 5.0.5 of the arms warrior avatar burst killing machine, they attempted to take away the power of arms warrior and make it more like those pathetic little abilities other classes use. But we Warriors would not let this pass without response, and many noobs were critted that day. Nonetheless, the tyranny of the Almighty Ghostcrawler proved too great, and many within our ranks passed away.

Today in the 5.4 year, we Arms Warriors are but a few in an vast sea of weaklings and cowards. Those who recognize us for what we are know to pay their respects, and step aside. And now, through this guide, I shall teach you our ways.

With the right gear, you can crit your victims anywhere between 80k and 200k damage twice in a row, depending on their armor type and resilience. In any case, you're bringing on the paintrain and they will tremble next time they see you in arena.




Warrior gem/talent/rotation/enchants/items and all other full of shiet internet guides you can google it / watch on youtube or read junk like this:








On pandawow.ru the real warrior and the manliest man testosterone machine use:



meta http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=107767

all other gems http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=107713

I know that pretty jewels are for girls ... but you need them anyway.The gemming philosophy for a Warrior is simple: get the most CRIT possible.


ENCHANTS: crit>strenght>mastery+speed on boots>pvp power on weapon



http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=103826 [Juggernaut] because you need to stay on your target like glue. or you need to swap targets or focus charge to intrerupt that last cast or just because is the best pvp talent.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=29838 [second Wind] free heal no global no need to macro = easy mode ON

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=102060 [Disrupting Shout] this talent with [Pummel] will lock a caster or healer for 8 sec. if you are smart to skip fake casts this will make a caster tremble in your presence. you will scare him so much that he wil los you all arena and leave from los only after his partners are dead just to throw himselves at your mercy.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=46968 [shockwave] i know the damage of [bladestorm] is insane i know that [bladestorm] will get your ass out of snares / roots and make you immune to cc but the real men dont need that shiet talent. above 2.5k rated all idiots know how to los your burst damage with this. Also BS will break CC (your cc or your partners CC) will mess things up a little bit when you want to pressure only 1 target - so i stick with the old [shockwave] (maybe in time some1 will fix the damn internal cd 20sec when you hit +3 target)

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114028 [Mass Spell Reflection] you know why? that enemy druid healer who cast clone all the time! or that nasty mage who wanna poly your healer? but damnit we want to do damage.than.... that lock who burst hard with all cd's up? then why not - free CC or damage is always fun

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=107570 [storm Bolt] 4 sec stun 30 sec cd. the bread and butter of warrior arms pvp

after [Avatar] nerf you don't use that anymore in pvp and [bloodbath] don't work or even if that talent work is only good in aoe cleaves if you play with afflock/unholy dk and so on. so the best option is SB. because the talent is so versatile.

good for cc, good to keep in place your target, good to intrerupt, good to peel, good to mitigate damage or enemy cc. this is the new META.



[Glyph of Death From Above] [Glyph of Colossus Smash] and third i swap [Glyph of Bull Rush] [Glyph of Blitz] [Glyph of Long Charge] [Glyph of Mortal Strike] [Glyph of Shield Wall] [Glyph of Die by the Sword] depend on my enemy playstile (if i play a lot in def.stance or i must intrerupt a lot or im the nuke target)


ROTATION: What the hell? You're a Warrior. Fuck rotation. Just charge in there and kill stuff.




Now lets cut to the real stuff.

Arena gameplay and map awareness. (you must practice A LOT before all go perfect, where to stay in arena , where to move, when to turtle, when to peel for your partners so they can have a a sec to heal, when to swap , when to intrerupt, when to los on your healer side to get heals, when to push, how to juke a noob dps to overextend in your deadly fuking stunlock trap, how to keep on cooldowns to use them later this is on you MAN - practice makes all perfect )



put healer on focus ( or other target that you or your partners decide)

macros like /focus arena1 don't work (bug arena frame atm) so you must use /focus [target=mouseover]


charge his partner or any dps that dare to come close to you:


/cast Charge

/cast Hamstring

/cancelaura bladestorm



keep hamstring>ms>cs on your target and build rage

stance dance if u take damage go def.stance > if you are not targeted go battle stance and spam op and slam between your rotation


position yourself in the middle of the arena(like a noob retard) close to the place your healer or partner is in los

at this point things will start happening and enemy will start his move (90% from my arena games on this server they do mistakes)

1. enemy healer come out from his los position and come near you to heal his partner? too bad because you will make him regret this.


/cast [target=focus] Storm Bolt

keep pressure on target. now all rotation/burst/cds you use will become situational.healer panic and trinket i allways (charge focus and fear focus) him.

2. the dps is too stupid and do mistakes, punish him.

what can a dps do? go for your healer, than he overextend and if he follow your healer he will be in los on his own healer. perfect for you, punish him with shockwave (to keep him as long as you can in los) and chop his hp bar with the above rotation.

in this spot if the dps don't use his def.cds/trinket he's dead by now without you to force your own cds.

if he use his def.cds is perfect you start all over again, WHY ? because all of your cd's are up again. (sb = 30 sec cd / shockwave 40sec)

plan B. if the dps burst his cds (like HALF of the server do) just turtle and los damage.


/cast Spell Reflection

/cast Defensive Stance


#showtooltip Shield Wall

/cast Rallying Cry

/cast Shield Wall


/cast [target=party1] Intervene


/cast Die by the Sword

/cast !demo banner


/cast disarm

you can use here aoe fear/ aoe silence [Disrupting Shout] / Mass Spell Reflection /disarm /intervene / taunt enemy pets (99% don't ever heard of /petmove / petfollow macros anyway)

after you turtle the damage and peel for your healer/partners repeat the above. this time to add a little more pressure

your partner must cc the enemy healer > you stay on dps like glue and work hard on his hp bar


on your next focus Storm Bolt > use shockwave on your target and make presure with a fake burst.

i like to use


/use Grievous Gladiator's Badge of Victory

/cast Berserker Rage

/cast moking banner

in this point they have 2 option> your target die or use his last def.cds. healer trinket (if he never did this till now) and start using his last cds to heal the damage you put up. ( 99% of my games on this server at this moment bouth enemy don't have trinket and def.cds)

from this point you have 1min to start all over again this time with a real burst.

repeat like a bot the above pattern.

allways keep Storm Bolt/fear/mass sr for enemy healer (exceptions - only if you are forced to peel for your partner/partners or you can stunlock a fast kill)

instruct your healer to cc the enemy healer all the time /or other enemy if they are 2 dps (if he didn't listen to your advice find some1 who will)

after your sb/shockwave are up again just focus Storm Bolt and burst your target down (build rage before to spam that slam like a BOSS)


/cast Recklessness

/cast Blood Fury(Racial)

/cast Berserker Rage

/cast skull banner

/use Grievous Gladiator's Badge of Victory

/cast Battle Stance

at this point the target is dead ( IF the target is not DEAD you must watch this guide 100 times as a punishment



always use skype/ventrilo/raidcall or any other form of communication with your partners. don't be like me dumb and listen rock without game sound :)

if you play comps like : warrior(YOU) healer other DPS(who have insane cc like rogue/hunter/mage) you will never choose who to kill. your goal in arena is to make pressure, help with the cc on what target choose your partner to cc and swap to kill when needit.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.


That was just filler text to make you think there was actually something meaningful written under this section. There isn't. Unless you read Latin. But who the fuck reads Latin?

I hope you like the fun part of this guide. (this is handmade but i have other guides like this one on other servers too)







- - - Updated - - -


reserved for later!

i will work on this guide this week to add some links and picture to make it more appealing

Edited by durham
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  • 2 months later...

Mass Spell Reflection [Mass Spell Reflection] you know why? that enemy druid healer who cast clone all the time! or that nasty mage who wanna poly your healer? but damnit we want to do damage.than.... that lock who burst hard with all cd's up? then why not - free CC or damage is always fun


Stupid , since reflect is broken here + also Intervene no longer removes snares ....


Swifty macro /cast Battle Stance is also stupid... you might wanna do presure while you are on low hp , and switching to battle stance is not the way


#showtooltip Shield Wall

/cast Rallying Cry

/cast Shield Wall STUPID

what if you want to pre-wall on fullhp so you can counter pressure ? ...



/cast Die by the Sword

/cast !demo banner

whats the point of this ?


Why would you even mention 2.5 in a guide thats for 2k players MAX

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice guide.Didnt read it all.And u cant beat a lock for sure-all u can do is stay in Second Wind.Cant reflect a locks burst-they will counter u easily by using curse of the elements which increases MAGIC dmg taken.


Reforging?Rotation?Looks like you are looking only to what noob warrs are currently doing.In Warlords of Draenor™ only spec to play will be prot.You will be begging to return to your full glory you had in the whole history of World of Warcraft™.

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It's still better that people that have all their cooldown in one button.


- - - Updated - - -


Nice guide.Didnt read it all.And u cant beat a lock for sure-all u can do is stay in Second Wind.Cant reflect a locks burst-they will counter u easily by using curse of the elements which increases MAGIC dmg taken.


Reforging?Rotation?Looks like you are looking only to what noob warrs are currently doing.In Warlords of Draenor™ only spec to play will be prot.You will be begging to return to your full glory you had in the whole history of World of Warcraft™.


Why do you think prot will be the only spec to play. Just people are not used to arms.

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wow i thought you only had to do lolstorm to win?


Bladestorm is complete sh** in MoP 2v2 arenas...


Skilled enemy will always blink it. 80% of classes got some spell to go away (like blink, heroic leap...etc), also everyone will LoS it by pillars in arena (you know you wont kill paladin healer with bladestorm, because he can dispel all your slow 24/7 also paladin moves faster in general. Bladestorm is battleground talent, even though I prefer dragon roar i bg-s and shockwave in arenas. Avatar > stormbolt in 2v2 and stormbolt> avatar in 3v3, simple as that, as resto druid / warrior comp in 2s you need to do more damage, so that's the reason I spec avatar (20% more dmg YOLO) and in 3s you always need to do more control over your enemy rather than damage so then I spec stormbolt-shockwave spec.


Good tutorial though, I found arms warrior very easy to play in 5.2x or higher patch, they removed stance dancing/weapon switching so you wont need any macro anymore except "burst" or "1shot" macros :D

Edited by Tbf
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It's still better that people that have all their cooldown in one button.


- - - Updated - - -




Why do you think prot will be the only spec to play. Just people are not used to arms.


Have you seen the damage of warriors in Warlords of Draenor™?They cant even kill an druid without shapeshift form.Their only choice is to go prot and survive+do dps.

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Have you seen the damage of warriors in Warlords of Draenor™?They cant even kill an druid without shapeshift form.Their only choice is to go prot and survive+do dps.


I was watching bajheera and he was doing some crazy hits. At the end it's beta so everything is not balanced yet. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't want to be rude but gems... lol. 2nd thing is about your talents, your talents depend on what combo do you play for 2s/3s. Glyphs are ok but macro, srsly, you play with those macros?


Critical gems yeah... Why? as Bajheera said; your criticals might kill people, and couple of thousands more damage wont kill people. Because critical doubles your damage and strength does not...

You can't change your talents in the arena-preparation on panda-wow so I just use 1 spec against all comps...

I'll agree with last part of your sentence, Bloodcage, these macros are shame.


I'll just show you an example:



/cast Recklessness

/cast Blood Fury(Racial)

/cast Berserker Rage

/cast skull banner

/use Grievous Gladiator's Badge of Victory

/cast Battle Stance


So instead of this macro you might make intervene banner macro, or intervene @party1, party2 party 3


... or maybe even cancelaura macros + pummel or cancelaura + charge for your bladestorm...

Edited by Tbf
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I agree with you, biggest fail in that macro is berserker rage... /cast battle stance can be "ok" but still. About gems, i like more bonuses but i don't say putting all crit gems is bad. Yes i know arena preparation doesn't work, what i wanted to say is that if you play combo where you need more ccs or more dmg i will go with different talents... hope you understand what i want to say. xD
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