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A few minutes ago I blocked the chat (Muted) by "insults" (that's what it says in the muted).


Are 2 hours muted, it is not much, but they were 2 minutes, have no right to get muted for no reason, I want to see the evidence that really insult someone.


I said 'noob' a player and is disconnected within 30 seconds of calling noob, and after 1 minute I was muted for "insulting". who the hell is this?, I have left more than 800 euros in donations, and now I muted for saying 'noob'?, that will fuck this ... never insult anyone, as long call 'noob' a person , and that's not an insult.


This is what the staff members? Put muted players by calling them 'noobs' to alters?.




P.s: anyone know how I can "reclaim" the donated money?, some method?, it is possible to say that my phone has been stolen and donated to? ....


My English is bad, I know ... try to explain as best I can. the GM that made ​​me mute is not Russian, it has to be Spanish / English speaking.




maybe this player (KLEZ) will sound something the staff.


My account name: dubstep18

Character name muted: Lyotin


- - - Updated - - -


want GM's answers, please refrain players.

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I will say klezz to show a proof, if he doesn't have it, he will receive a punishment. Thanks for your request.
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Posted (edited)
  Zeox said:
I will say klezz to show a proof, if he doesn't have it, he will receive a punishment. Thanks for your request.



Thanks for the reply, I hope he expelled the staff to punish players for no reason. Next time before making a donation I will think about me 3 times, I would not return to be banned and / or muted again for no reason.


Thanks for responding so quickly.



  Dienamiks said:
Rename pls.


Profile gives me no option to change the name.



  Ярило said:
well that makes sense


So we are here in Spain, we expel people for no reason .. I hope you seek a more involved GM and do not put muteds no reason, well yes, the reason is call 'noob' his alter, and if you get to kill it in game?, I would have deleted the account? ::\


Regards. (HUG)





is normal to have so much gold?:


I do not want to accuse anyone, but this guild is always gold, mounts sold some and the prices were high, did not mind paying, 650k per frame (donate), last 20 seconds again have all the gold. ¿Exploit bug?, is impossibl farm over 40 million gold, and I mean legally farm no exploit bugs ...


could watch that instead of spending muteds put the players for no reason


Screen: http://i61.tinypic.com/2jbtqwz.jpg


Source: Top gold


I do not want to accuse anyone, but it's a lot of gold, you could look at that please ... I sold them many mounts, and a few seconds again again have 999,999 gold ...


makes me laugh donate for gold and there are others who take it with 'Exploit bug'.


Sorry to put this here, but to avoid putting another post "Mass post".


P.s: The guild is having infinite gold: English Or GTFO. there are others who take gold fast, not as they do, but take gold fast.

Edited by Justerm
Posted (edited)

when I put muted .......




¿Reason? ... :(



you can see how the gm is Spanish and when I put / who klez was disconnected in less than 1 minute was muted ...

Edited by Justerm
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Posted (edited)
  Принцесса Зла said:
What is your native language?

I think Spanish

Edited by Buka

My native language is Spanish.


I'm still waiting to find out who made the theme ...... We can not tolerate something like this ...




the video is not offensive ..

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