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Weird stuff going on for arround 2 weeks now..


My friends and I, have problems with our names in-game.


Let me explain..... My character name is Ηawkè . As you can see the last "e" is different... therefore we cannot receive in-game mails, added to friends list etc.

When someone tries to add my name on friends list, it says "No player found" .


The weird part is that this USED TO WORK...coz i send gold to my character when i created him.. NO IT JUST DOESNT WORK...



I tried changing my name, but i cant donate coz my Country is not supported..

I would love to get some help about this matter, because its really frustrating for all of us.



Thanks in advance



TL;DR; My character name Hawkè has a different "e" and the game treats me like Im invisible and no one can find me or receive mails

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