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Ambush or just specialization?


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http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=8676/ambush, http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=2098/eviscerate , http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=16511/hemorrhage deal too little damage.In assassination my dispatch deals minimum 60k.In subtlety i deal MAX 40k ambush on low geared guys.Im 500 lvl geared.I have x2 Grievous weapons and 1 Grievous wrist + gems.I have 60% mastery.The damage must be like:
, not like now...In assassination talents it's extremely easier to kill everyone...but on Subtlety the damage is very low.Im better in sub talents,but in this server I play assassination,coz its not bugged.In other servers sub is more powerful Edited by nikifor96
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i am having a warrior by my self but 1 friend who is maining rogue was all sad for his dmg and stuff the rogue gets full potential in Grievous + its not that your bad just sub is not that good, the biggest dmg does ASN after it is combat (the most fun for me since wrath) and the lowest is sub, if you still wanna play sub i know that feel wanting to play your spec not that people tell you, try finding your own way watching pro players is for the fun but you cant play like him in fact only he knows what he is doing and what he has in mind
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lol I deak 90k with Dispatch on characters and I need full grievous set to get 100k ambush :D No thanks,then I preffer to play assassination.I have only 4 grievous items and I deal exellent damage,I don't want to get full grievous damage and go subtlety talents and deal low damage again.I can't believe that sub talents are lower than assassination.Maybe just sub is bugged here,but in Blizzard sub is more powerful.In this server Assassination is better,but subtlety is not bad,just it's bugged in this server
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First of all I have to agree with nikifor96 about sub rogue,it deals to low DMG,lower than on retail,which is surprising,knowing that private servers buff random stuff. Second,I played on retail since 2004 till february 2014,played rogue since 2005 till 2014,and my favourite spec was sub,becouse that ambush crit...it is insane,i mean just look at it,you have the shadow dance that is made for ambushing till the ennemy is dead or he cc's you,but it is impossible to cc a sub rogue in shadow dance tho ^^ and on retail i hited like 120K crit on clothers while i was full Mal geared...dont tell me that its normal,cus it aint. If you didnt play on the retail,and you dont know what the dmg difference is between the retail and the private server,dont make comments like that,and if you doo...well its pointless to even say such a thing,it show's your credibillity,that is if you even got one ^^


All in all,this is a private server,and if they want to fix some things,they will.We are just some players who depend on it and all we can do is wait till its fixed,ofc if it ever does :D


Regards and have a nice playtime. Your Thorval.

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I see a lot of players that are complaining about rogue damage. Yet i see others doing so well with sub spec.

backstab crits 66k + / evisce +100k / poison +4k > 16k crits / rogue melee hit 15k crit > http://i.imgur.com/GhxMnGB.jpg


NOW, i order to help you guys i need some bug report made wise / clear and with evidence.


Talent or spell name : ambush

Source: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=8676

Date tested : .../.../2014

How it works : low damage bla bla bla

Pics with: your weapon damage / combat log with your damage on dummy / player / pve mob

no trinket proc / enchant proc / burst and so on > just damage

example like this pic. http://i.imgur.com/ae9Qtfc.jpg but no editing on picture (full pic)

I wait today pics so i can test on retail ptr and maybe we can find a way together to fix this.


Thank you!

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So you want me to get the trinkets and the weapon enchants off, to fight training dummy and make a screenshot with the combat log and the character info( agility.. just all the stats) ? When I burst My two trinkets makes my agility about 27K and I never crit 66K with backstab and 100K with eviscerate. But dont forget that the training dummy hasn't resilience, armor, etc.
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So you want me to get the trinkets and the weapon enchants off, to fight training dummy and make a screenshot with the combat log and the character info( agility.. just all the stats) ? When I burst My two trinkets makes my agility about 27K and I never crit 66K with backstab and 100K with eviscerate. But dont forget that the training dummy hasn't resilience, armor, etc.



If we (players from this server) don't test things / post-report bugs found in game who do you think will come to help us?!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't have the power to make lvl 90 rogue and gear him up to test thing on each class/spec so thats why i ask you guys (who play rogue class) to make a little effort and test/post/report in order to compare this server results with retail ptr.

I can help with math calculation formulas and retail test but i need some help from you guys.

About weapon enchants (use other weapon even lower).

About trinket proc/back you don't equip them for the test.


We all want fast results and server improvements but first we have to do our job and test things out, come with calculation and proofs. After we do our job we can QQ on forum for a fix.

Thank you for your time.

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