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Warlock bug dmg without "The Crowd Chose You!!!" buff

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Hello, the warlock Vaelisious, use in the arena the one shot bug, i don't know how, but is very very annoying, because when he have low life, he or his healer, he uses that fu**ing bug for one shot me or my healer.

When I tell him that I do the video, in the next arena does not use it, if I meet him again in the arena, I'll do the video while my life from the maximum drops to 0 in one shot.

I hope it is banned or that at least fix this hateful bug.

The warlock is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nygf3S_zIQU

In this second arena i think he don't have used bug, but in all first arena vs him, he use all time the oneshot omg.



THE ARENA AGAINST HIM ARE LONG AT MAXIMUM 5 MINUTES, HE CAN'T HAVE THIS http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=144389 BUFF, do you understand my friend Juster?

I look like a clown for you??? He use that bug after 1 min start arena if want :mad:

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same problem on 10x realm. arena start > we turtle the first burst and after 1 min > boom oneshot 10%hp (have to pop all my def.cds)

on retail only one class/spec can do this in 2 globals (enh shaman with insane good gear + some pve trinket proc and on use)

here any warlock (even low gear) can exploit this bug.

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