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Is the lock in the vid hacking, exploiting or legit on his rain of fire damage


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I will try to help with some simple math to see if this spell work ok or not.


Spell name: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=5740

Date tested : 16-04-2014

How it works : 8500 n - 17.5k crit damage

How it should work : Calls down a fiery rain to burn enemies in the area of effect for [267 ( + 25% of Spell power) * 8] Fire damage over 6 sec.

good geared warlock 30000 spell power / 50% pvp power

[267 ( + 25% of 30000) * 8] * 50% pvp power / 6 sec = (62136)*50% /6 sec = 93204/6 = 15534 damage per second.

in any pvp environment target have base 72% damage reduction so the damage will be reduce by 72% > 15534 * 0.28 = 4349.52 damage noncrit.

We need further testing with some warlock stats and damage in pvp(duel work too).

After that we can be sure this spell have a spell power bonus bigger than its supposed to.

If any warlock can post pictures with him (spell power from character panel) and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=5740 damage on dummy or player we can make a proper bug report.

Thank you.

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