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Poll about International Realm


Rates on International realm?  

178 members have voted

  1. 1. Rates on International realm?

    • x25
    • x50
    • x300
    • Your version (specify in the comments to the topic)

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x25 is a nice rate, and hopefully the realm could be added before summer, and also, if this realm is added, i'm sure that the player base on other realms will be reduced by a bit so would the stability of the servers be improved or?
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25x and a free transfer for the first week for all characters on the realm.


- - - Updated - - -


Your international players dont really care about the new server..


Most of us would prefer the option " Keep fixing bugs and spells in the current servers, rather than waste resources on a new one"





Hmmm we do, you don't know what are we thinking, my almighty 'smart' friend. Peace.

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Actually in charts, biggest panda free server right now is only pve realms and with x5 exp only. :)

So saying there are no panda pve servers with low exp is as wrong as it can be, at this point.

About pve being dead... well same thing,if biggest panda free server right now is only pve realms, makes you wonder, if pve is actually dead...


I voted x25, though, I guess would preffer x10 or x15 for exp.

Edited by shmu
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Actually in charts, biggest panda free server right now is only pve realms and with x5 exp only. :)

So saying there are no panda pve servers with low exp is as wrong as it can be, at this point.

About pve being dead... well same thing,if biggest panda free server right now is only pve realms, makes you wonder, if pve is actually dead...


I voted x25, though, I guess would preffer x10 or x15 for exp.


There is very little PvE at the moment because this server seems to prefer working older content such as lk or firelands over the mists of pandaria content which is far more important

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I really like that old raids are working. :)

Though we do need more panda content, but I guess with time that will happen too.

For now 136 ppl voted... hopefully will hit 300 before closing day, international realm would be fun imo.

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imho just convert the current x100 realm into an English realm, and open free transfers over to the current low rated realm for anyone who is not happy with that? that way you would balance the servers loads out , not need to make another realm and waste resource's/money and no one would really need to start over that way there would be no que on x100 and then less effort would be need to maintain realms till such a time as it is really needed this way everyone would be happy


- Zyclone

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For me this pool its pointless over 7k people play on 3 server and only around 150 vote for new server. So this number are not correlated with real thinking of with server players wanna.


most players are not registered in the forum, and not bothered to do it ... that's no reason not to make a new Realm: INTERNATIONAL.


Regards, Imdoctor.


P.s: There are over 300 people of whom only speak Spanish, imagine how many there are who speak other languages.

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yeah but some people taking 300x realm can do it for joke or trolling and because of they we can get crap real with on things to do, on 100x getting gear from pvp its easy think what it will be on 300 same with gold or professions.
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