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I DEMAND the complete removal of Tol'viron Arena 10/10

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Tol'viron arena is completely fucked up ... monk healing through the wall , no teleport back after i fall under texture ->FALL UNDER TEXTURE ON THE FIRST FEAR

i understand its not easy to fix but please do something about this shit .. also Dalaran arena is not half done....

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I can not reproduce it.


cant you just simply disable it ? its making me lose 50% of the time cuz i get either feared disoriented or poly-d under texture and i can do nothing to prevent it

i already lost like 200 rating cuz of this .. and believe me 200 rating really is a lot on 2400

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for me atleast 20/18 was like that ... try staying close to the wall all the time

the first cc you'll get will make you fall trust me .. about that monk , he was either hacking or idk .. i didnt see anyone either healing through the walls so it was the monk,,

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